Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

Goodbye, Arabella

Here's a sweet video that I thought I would pass on... –Kim

Rest in Peace, Sweet Girl

When we take in dogs from shelters, we never know much about their background or health. Arabella came to us with what seemed to be a skin infection, causing her to lose all her hair. Sadly, after ongoing treatment with a dermatologist was not improving how she felt overall, we consulted an oncologist. She had mast cell cancer and there was no treatment at that stage.

We appreciate the ongoing support many folks give us to help care for dogs in our rescue. Our "Sunshine Fund" exists to help pay for specialists and vet care that goes beyond the routine needs of most dogs. If you are able to contribute to our Sunshine Fund to help cover Bella's bills, we would be so grateful. Every little bit helps. Thank you.


Real Love will always challenge selfishness...and in Rescue, love can come into our lives in different forms, and in ways we don't expect. When Bella came to Bald Is Beautiful we never guessed that BIB would be her forever home. She taught us many things while she was with us: things like courage and dignity in the face of death. Yes, even in dying, a small creature like a dog can teach us much about Life.

We are so grateful for Bella's time with us, and for the Divine hand that led her to us and gave us the honor of walking with her through this last part of her journey. Her foster family was with her when she needed them the most; they never gave up or abandoned her, standing with her until the end, so that Bella, who had experienced little mercy in her short life, could have a chance on earth to know a few months of love and kindness from a human being. In turn, Bella responded with the tenderness, vulnerability, trust and affection only an innocent animal can give. What a precious time Bella gave us.

Sweet Bella, fly free in your final Forever Home. You gave us so much, and we will never forget you. ♥

Also, see: Rainbow Bridge

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