Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

More Cute Dog Videos!

Check out these cool videos! –Kim

Dog & Deer – Best Friends Forever

Dog Adopts Fawn!

Dog and Fawn Living Together #2

Dog vs. Deer Rematch

Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

How to Help Pets Suffering From Allergies

Here's a great article that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it helpful! –Kim

New Solutions for Pet Allergies
By Dr. Marty Becker, DVM
June 14, 2010

Do you suffer from allergies? You might not be alone: Your pet may be suffering, too.

When pets suffer, they are at least as miserable as we are – and maybe more. Instead of the runny noses, itchy eyes, sneezing or wheezing allergies mean to many people, pet allergies typically show up as scratching, chewing, rubbing, head-shaking or diarrhea.

Allergies are common for dogs: According to the pet-health insurance company VPI, the top three medical claims for dogs last year were allergy-related. Cats get off relatively easy on this one, since far fewer cats suffer from allergies than dogs do. In 2009, VPI's most common canine claims were for infections of the outer ear (4.45%), allergic dermatitis (4.22%) and pyoderma, commonly known as "hot spots" (2.72%). For those cats who are allergic, they can show skin reactions, but also respiratory symptoms, vomiting and other digestive problems.

Allergies typically show up within the first 1-3 years of a pet's life, worsen with age and can't be cured, only controlled. Knowing what causes the allergies is an important first step toward treating them, and that means getting your veterinarian's help. Flea bites are the top cause of pet allergies, but food and environmental issues are a problem for many pets. Dust, pollen and spores in the home and yard gather in pets' fur, and the allergens then trigger painful and potentially life-threatening reactions.

Your veterinarian will have suggestions specific to your pet, your region and your season, but in general, you can help your pet a great deal with an allergy-prevention regimen in the home. Dedicated parasite control is first step, and that will mean veterinary-recommended flea-control products along with frequent vacuuming of pet areas and washing of pet bedding.

Concurrently, you can limit the amount of dust and other irritants pets sweep up in their coats by vacuuming and using electrostatic cleaning products (such as Swiffers) on floor surfaces as well as using room or whole house filtration systems. And while you may have heard that frequent shampooing strips the skin of essential oils, veterinary dermatologists now recommend bathing pets at least every week (up to everyday for extremely at-risk, allergic pets) during the spring and summer to help wash allergens off the coat and skin before they can be absorbed and trigger an allergic reaction. Spray-on products or wipes for a dry bath will often do the trick and may be a great deal easier than bathing for some dogs and almost all cats. While regular flea-control, a clean house and frequent bathing may dramatically decrease your pet's allergic response, often more powerful treatments are needed to help a pet ditch the itch. Fortunately, veterinarians have new medication options that may make a world of difference.

You probably know someone who takes shots to manage their own allergy symptoms. Known as immunotherapy, or hyposensitization, these small injections of allergens under the skin can also be effective for most dogs with atopic dermatitis, which is the medical term for what pet owners would call "constantly itchy skin"). Pet owners can administer the injections at home with guidance from their veterinarians. Over time, this treatment may allow a pet to handle natural exposure to the allergens – 75% of pets respond well over time to immunotherapy.

To fight the skin reaction to allergens that triggers scratching and chewing, there's Atopica. This medication calms the cells that trigger the allergic response, rather than treating the symptoms after a reaction. Atopica is considered to be as effective as steroids, but without the potentially dangerous long-term side effects. Ask your veterinarian if this treatment is right for your pet.

In addition, your veterinarian may recommend special air filters for your home. There's even one made just for pets: PetAirapy comes in both room and whole-house models and the manufacturers say their product helps prevent airborne allergens from landing on or being inhaled by pets.

But it's not just about airborne allergens or parasites: Pets suffer from food allergies as well. Allergy reactions to pet food are usually caused by proteins, and can include beef, egg, milk or cheese products, soy or even fish. If food allergies are suspected, your veterinarian will guide you through food-elimination trials to find the culprit, and recommend a diet that's both nutritionally complete and contains pre-digested proteins. If your dog suffers from a food allergy but still needs to take medications, Greenies Pill Pockets Allergy Formula capsules may help. These are little pouches, made from peas and duck that put the treat into treatment, by providing a yummy pocket for a pill.

With modern veterinary options and a world of new products to help, the pet with allergies can be managed better than ever before. And that mean you and your pet will both sleep better, after you've ditched the itch.

Copyright © 2010 ABC News Internet Ventures

Also, see:

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

How Well is Your Dog Groomed?

Here's a great article that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it interesting! –Kim

How to Groom Your Dog at Home

The reason one should groom his/her dog is simple – your dog's physical state influences the way he feels and the way you look at your dog. Extreme cases, where lack of proper care, cleaning and grooming can directly affect the behavior of your dog, are not rare.

Proper grooming not only infuses a healthy glow to your dog's appearance, but also helps develop his self-esteem; while it makes you a very proud parent, when you show off your dog to others.

The first step involved in dog grooming is: Brushing!

Brushing has been universally acknowledged by expert dog groomers as the single most important step in grooming.

The benefits of brushing are many. To name a few:

  • Better blood circulation
  • Shinier and healthier coat
  • Better bonding

Even if you know how crucial brushing is for your dog's health and well-being, we all know that there is a right way and a wrong way of doing anything. And without doubt, you would like to do everything the RIGHT way when it comes to your dog.

Yes, there's a method to follow while brushing your dog.

Here are FIVE steps to successfully brushing your dog that will prove to be extremely useful:

  • Brush against the growth of the hair first with a slicker brush and then with a medium or wide-toothed comb.
  • The slicker brush removes all the loose hair and the comb takes care of the tangles.
  • Brush your dog along the hair growth and make sure you reach the skin as you brush his way.
  • Then use a flea comb over the coat to get the fleas and remove any remaining tangles. Part the coat and start from the root and then comb through.
  • If your dog's paw pads are hairy, then clip them using electric clippers. Do not clip the hair in between the pads. Clip only the excess hair.

Brush your dog's hairs to prevent it from matting. Matting can be a very painful experience.

Regular brushing untangles the matted hairs on your dog's coat. Since this is a risky job to do, the best way out is to prevent them from forming in the first place. And doing this is simple: just brush and comb your dog regularly. If and when you see any mats or tangles, use a detangle solution and a medium-toothed comb.

Don't wait until your dog is dirty or matted to introduce him to grooming. That would make him associate the experience with unpleasantness. Moreover, many dogs learn to see their routine brushing as an alternate form of petting, i.e. another source of affection and attention.

Subscribe to this FREE dog grooming mini course and start grooming your dog all by yourself right from the comfort of your home, today.

Copyright © 2009

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Tough Sheriff is Kind to Critters...

...But Muzzled by Animal Rights Group

By Jerry Seper
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio is known as "America's Toughest Sheriff," but he has a secret that not many people outside Arizona know: He loves little critters, like puppies and kittens.

Honored for his humanitarian efforts, he also received the lifetime achievement award from a nonprofit group for his work encouraging police agencies nationwide to take animal cruelty more seriously.

He puts animal abusers in jail instead of giving them citations.

The sheriff even has dedicated an air-conditioned jail solely as a sanctuary for dogs, cats and other animals that have been removed by his deputies from abusive and neglectful homes. He began a training program for some of his female inmates to learn how to care for, groom and train those very animals.

So you might imagine how disappointed he was when President Becky Barnes of Guide Dog Users Inc. (GDUI) booted him as the keynote speaker for its July national convention in Phoenix because of his tough stance on immigration enforcement and the state's pending immigration law.

"This group says it isn't involved in politics. Well, clearly they are," Sheriff Arpaio said. "The local group, Arizona Council of the Blind, petitioned the national board to have me removed, and for what, because they don't want me to enforce Arizona's immigration laws? They are out of step with our citizenry; shame on them."

Ms. Barnes told The Washington Times that shortly after the Arizona law was enacted, members of Guide Dog Users of Arizona began expressing concerns about the invitation based on their view of Sheriff Arpaio's policies and perceived concerns over security at the event.

She said the invitation to the sheriff "was not political in nature at all, and it is too bad that politics were injected into the situation with the outcome we have now."

"We are a democratic organization, and I acted at the direction of my board of directors," she said. "It was a very close vote, and I suspect there would have been anger and disappointment no matter the outcome of that vote."

According to GDUI's national coordinator, Cecilia Warren, the national board called an emergency meeting after it had been lobbied for five weeks to remove Sheriff Arpaio from the speakers roster.

The lobbying began, she said, one day after Arizona's immigration legislation known as S.B. 1070 (PDF, "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act") was signed into law, with several e-mails sent to Ms. Warren from members of the Arizona chapter. She said the national board then voted 6-5 against and Sheriff Arpaio's invitation was retracted.

"It is unfortunate that this organization, which stands for a noble cause, has to be put in a position like this because of the politics involved in the enforcement of illegal immigration laws," the sheriff said.

Several national conventions scheduled to be held in Arizona have pulled the plug since Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed the legislation. In the case of GDUI's national convention, instead of boycotting Arizona, the group singled out Sheriff Arpaio personally because of his local and national reputation for enforcing immigration laws.

Sheriff Arpaio had been scheduled to give the keynote speech in front of more than 200 participants on July 14.

GDUI is an affiliate of the American Council of the Blind and was organized as a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization incorporated in Washington, D.C., in 1972. It has 19 affiliate organizations throughout the U.S. and boasts a membership total of 1,100.

Jerry Seper is the investigative editor for The Washington Times.
© Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC

Also, see pictures:

Jail Inmates Care for Abused and Abandoned Pets...

© 2010 See Your World LLC

Also, see: Puppies for Parole

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Dog Parvo Symptoms

Here's an informative article that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it helpful! –Kim

Background of Dog Parvo

If you're like us, you probably fell in love with your puppy the very first time you looked at his/her tiny face. It's hard to imagine anything happening to them.

Dog parvo, short for parvovirus, is one of the most serious illnesses a dog can contract, and it's especially deadly in puppies. And it's highly contagious. It can jump from dog to dog very quickly, even with indirect contact.

First discovered in the late 1970's, it's similar in structure to the feline parvovirus, differing by only two amino acids. It effects most types of canids, including wolves and foxes. Two strands are the most common, but a third strand has supposedly been discovered in Italy, Vietnam and Spain.

There are two types of infection of parvo a dog can acquire, intestinal or cardiac, and the severity varies greatly. Some dogs show no symptoms, yet die within 72 hours. More commonly, in less volatile strains, the mortality rate is just 10%.

Along with contact with other infected dogs, parvo can get caught from oral ingestion of infected feces or soil. Other animals may also be carriers, even if they themselves cannot be affected by the virus. It has a high climate tolerance, and so can survive in almost any condition, shrugging off sunlight and moisture.

Dog parvo partly causes so many problems, even with modern veterinary medicine, because it has a high rate of evolution, unlike the feline variety. It mimics RNA virus like influenza. New vaccines have to be developed for the flu every year because of the changes, and parvo is no different.

Fortunately, a dog who survives a parvo infection is generally immune for life, similar to our chicken pox, so no silent carrier dogs exist.

If your dog, especially your new puppy, begins exhibiting any of these symptoms, see a veterinarian right away. When parvo is involved, every hour counts. The secret of survival is quick treatment, so don't ignore these symptoms! One or all of these will usually being showing after 3-10 days of infection.

  • Lethargic. If your dog normally likes to play and has high energy, this is the clearest sign that something is wrong. You could say they act depressed.
  • Lack of Appetite. The more common strains attack the digestive system.
  • Vomiting with no change in diet. It usually looks clear and foamy.
  • Bloody Diarrhea.
  • Stronger Feces Odor. It's unmistakable and you will never forget it.

The vomiting and diarrhea are the most dangerous, as they can quickly lead to dehydration and malnutrition. This leads to other problems that eventually compound on top of each other to finally kill the dog...and fast.

Always be on the lookout these symptoms of parvo, especially if your puppy is over 10 weeks old.

Copyright © 2008 Dog Parvo Symptoms

Also, see: How to Treat a Dog With Parvo

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

Amazing Dog Tricks

Amazing Dog Tricks

This is one of the most amazing dog videos I've ever seen!

Heather (the owner) trains Jesse (the Jack Russell Terrier) with 100% positive reinforcement and Clicker Training....

Copyright 2009 Funny Dog Site

Also, see:

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Dog Food Secrets

Valuable Resource...

Urgent Press Release for Dog Owners

You're about to discover the terrifying-truth about commercial dog food that is linked to the deaths of thousands of dogs across the US every single day.

Many world-famous Doctors of Veterinary Medicine and published Dog Care Experts universally agree. Any dog that eats commercial dog food is at a much higher risk of dying prematurely. And by the time symptoms are noticeable, it's often too late to prevent an agonizing death except by lethal injection.

See their shocking, research-supported claims in this report.

Also in this report, I show you a simple solution proven to increase the lifespan of your dog by up to 134% and save you up to $10,000.

To discover these amazing secrets, just continue reading and your reward is a super-healthy, incredibly happy dog that stays by-your-side for up to 8.3 years longer than statistically predicted.

Let's continue with this critical information...

"Commercial Dog Food is Killing Your Dog;
Hear What the Experts Have to Say..."

Continued - Click for more vital information....