Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

HomeMade Dog Toys

Valuable Resource...
Who Else Thinks Dog Toys are

Save money, make your pooch happy and stop lining the pockets of pet store chains!

  • Save Big $$ Making Your Own Dog Toys!
  • Learn How to Keep It Safe!
  • Turn Trash into Hours of Fun!
  • Have Fun on a Budget!
  • Teach Your Kids the Value of Making Things at Home!

There is nothing like making something with your own two hands. There is a personal feeling of accomplishment, but more importantly, your canine friend will appreciate the effort.

If your dog is anything like mine, a store bought toy may get a bit of attention for a few moments, but then the toy is ignored for more personal items in the home including, but not limited to, shoes, socks, couches, or even tables depending on the dog’s size.

Everyone knows dogs love to run and chew, and this is natural for any dog. Puppies tend to teethe, and just like children, they will put anything in their mouth.

As a pet owner, you get to offer some acceptable solutions to this natural process, hopefully deterring the teething pup away from the more unacceptable items.

Nonetheless, the pup will choose something homemade over something store bought because the smell from store bought items are nowhere near as appealing as items already in the home.

Making HomeMade dog toys is COST-EFFECTIVE, imaginative, and down right fun. Almost anything in the home has the potential to be a dog toy, and believe me, your dog is well aware of this fact.

When bored, your favorite cushion sure will feel good on those teething incisors, and the smell is simply wonderful!

Those curtains hanging there sure do move nicely and make this interesting sound, and your dog will thoroughly enjoy finding out what is making that sound.

Let’s face it – your home is a cornucopia of interesting smells and sounds with everything you hold dear having the potential to be an enormous dog chew.

Instead of allowing your best friend to envision your belongings as a favorite new toy, or an adversary needing to be ripped to shreds, pet owners offer special toys to their dog. This is how a dog learns what is an acceptable opponent, and what is not so acceptable.

Making homemade pet toys is an ideal method of allowing your dog the benefit of personal scents you naturally add to the homemade item instead of the sterile or mixed scents of those store bought items.

It's Also a Great Way to Teach Your Kids the Value of a Dollar and Inspire Them Creatively!
Continued - List of toys you can easily make, plus five BONUS books....

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Dog Etiquette Rules

Here's some great advice that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it interesting! –Kim

Space Etiquette for Dogs

NEWSFLASH! Running up to another dog and ignoring requests to go away is not "friendly," it is rude. Just like people, DOGS NEED PERSONAL SPACE. If a stranger came up and put his hand on your body, you'd be allowed to step back, yell and push him away. Dogs have the same right to enforce their boundaries. Some dogs are called "reactive" because they are more sensitive than others. Reactive dogs are good dogs, they just need more distance and compassionate training. You can help them by honoring their need for personal space.
  1. Never let your off-leash dog go up to an on-leash dog.
  2. Lock retractable leashes when you see other dogs.
  3. Ask before approaching or petting any dog.
  4. Have compassion for people with shy or reactive dogs.
Please do not chase us. Let us pass without interaction, and keep your judgments to yourself.

Source: http://doggiedrawings.net/post/842176625
© 2011 Lili Chin

7 Dog Etiquette Rules

By Janine Allen
May 24th, 2009

Wouldn't it be great if everyone else loved our dogs as much as we do? Increase the chances of this happening by following the etiquette rules listed below.
  1. No matter how well trained your dog is, put him on a leash when near strangers. People will appreciate your respect for their safety and well-being.
  2. Avoid approaching people or dogs directly when in public. Move off to the left or right to pass by; step off the curb if necessary. Fearful dogs and fearful people will be thankful.
  3. Always, when there is a leash in hand, put a poop bag in your pocket. Carry three: one for you, a spare and one to share.
  4. Leave your female dog at home when she is in season. Her pheromones will bring out the worst in otherwise well-behaved dogs.
  5. Ask, and be specific, before letting your dog approach people or other dogs. "Is he friendly?" gives no warning to other dog owners that you are going to let your dog lunge forward.
  6. When you have been invited to a home, event or activity, ask before bringing your dog.
  7. Until your dog is trained not to jump on people, put him away when guests arrive. Let him out after guests have settled in. Leash or tether him if he tends to nose, poke or paw people for attention.
Your dog would want others to think as highly of him as you do. Don't disappoint him.

Janine Allen (CPDT) is Rescue Me Dog's professional dog trainer. Janine's passion is working with people and their dogs. She provides demonstrations for those who have adopted shelter dogs, lends email support to adopted dog owners that need information beyond our Training Support Pages, and aids shelter staff and volunteers in understanding dog behavior to increase their adoptability.

Source: http://rescuemedog.org/dog-blog/7-dog-etiquette-rules/
Copyright 2013 Rescue Me Dog

Also, see:

    Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

    The Complete Dog Food & Nutrition Guide

    Valuable Resource...
    Finally...All You Need
    to Know about Your
    Dog's Diet and Nutrition

    Click below now to watch this short dog food video....

    From Sharda Baker Monday 11 May 2009
    Dear fellow dog lover, We have all heard the "horror stories" about the tainted, and sometimes toxic, dog foods on the market, AND ABOUT ALL THE DOG FOOD RECALLS.
    Many of us are aware of the poor quality, sometimes useless, filler ingredients in many commercial dog foods and the dangers of many foods cooked in our homes for our dogs.
    Even if you prepare your dog's food at home, there's the danger of feeding the wrong type of food.
    They can rob your dog of… IT'S ENERGY, IT'S HEALTH, AND OF IT'S VERY LIFE ITSELF.
    You are probably just like me, and like most responsible dog owners, just want the best for your dog within a certain budget, right?

    Alarm bells first started ringing for me regarding dog food, several years ago, after seeing the pain an acquaintance, Sonia (not her real name) went through after losing her 2 dogs, one aged eight and one six and a half. One of her dogs died of pancreatitis and one of heart failure, both of which can occur as a result of poor diet.
    It wasn't really her fault though...

    It's not that Sonia was a bad dog owner, she just did what many dog owners do… And what I used to do, she fed her dog a standard dog food she found in the supermarket plus some regular table scraps.
    Like many of us, she didn't understand how to make sense out of a dog food label. On closer examination, the dog food she had been feeding was one of the worst ones available.Simply understanding the label would have alerted Sonia not to use that dog food. Plus, the indiscriminate feeding of table scraps also contributed to her two dog's untimely deaths.
    And that was just the beginning for me.

    Ever since I witnessed the pain that can be caused by losing a pet at a young age, I started looking into dog food more closely. It's been quite a journey I can tell you. We all recognize deep down that our dog's diet is paramount to good health, just as our own diet is vital to our own good health. Yet, we are often unsure, or at worst ill advised, how to best manage our dog's nutrition.
    To Keep Your Dog Healthy, You Must Discover What to Look For, and How to Properly Read and Understand the Deceptive Practices in Dog Food Ingredient Labels.

    This information I have put together will show you what some dog food companies don’t want you to know.
    I put together the "Complete Guide To Your Dog's Nutrition" ebook and audio package over the last 11 and a half months and inside you'll find:

    12 OF THE BEST dog food brands for you and… It informs you of what is actually used in each of the dog foods. And clearly tells you why each of the12 brands are some of the best to feed your dog. It also discusses in depth home cooked dog food, the BARF diet plus much more.

    Would you like to know which brands of dog food and which human foods are the safest to feed your dog?

    Don’t you owe it to your pet to find out?

    Can't we just trust what the dog food companies tell us in their glossy multi-million dollar advertising campaigns?
    Unfortunately, often we can't!

    I know you are a lot like me and want to be sure you are feeding your dog the absolute best diet… and best foods, within your budget.

    All dog food is not equal in their nutritional values and there are many that are downright detrimental to your pet's health.

    I have put together all the research that I and my team have carried out over the last 11 and a half months on dog food and health, into one big collection.

    Some of the information revealed will shock you! The books and audios cover everything that you need to know about providing the best and most nutritionally healthy diet for your dog. You will quickly start to become a dog nutrition expert… learning how to make nutritional adjustments to help most of your dog's problems or maladies.
    Continued - Click for more information, plus BONUSES....