Rabu, 02 September 2009

Basic Breed Information – 3

Here's a great series that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it interesting! –Kim

Basic Breed Information – Part 3

Great Dane

The Great Dane, the giant dog, is extremely sweet, spirited, dignified, friendly, kind and affectionate with children. He is a strong dog that is very intelligent and loyal towards its owners. But, the Dane does not bark much and is also not aggressive. Great Dane Obedience Training at a young age is necessary to manage him when he grows. He normally tends to lean on people and has to be taught not to do that as it may cause children to fall. Training this breed is somewhat difficult.

The Great Dane has a slow metabolism rate and suffers from bloat. When the dog is
suffering from twisting pain of the stomach, he needs to be given immediate care.
Otherwise, he may die. Some owners tack the stomach of the Dane to prevent bloating.
The Great Dane may also have problems like dilated cardiomyopathy, hip dysplasia and
congenital heart diseases. He usually lives till the age of 10 years. Great Dane
Obedience Training includes conveying the correct body language to him. He will get
stimulated and excited when his owners are happy. So, it is necessary to communicate
with him properly for positive actions.

Great Dane Obedience Training involves establishing some guidelines for your pet. You should never chase your pet when you are angry. Your dog may think that you are playing game with him and he has to run to involve himself in the game. You should give him commands with power and you should face him straight when you are giving him commands. Also, display the same behavior when he plays spoil sport.

Great Danes comes in every color – white with black spots is the most popular one. But, the most attractive of the Great Danes are the Blues, where their body color ranges from a gray to steel-blue color. Regardless of color, they are lovable pets and owners of Danes are always proud about them. The Great Dane has a thick, short, glossy coat that does not need much maintenance. Fawn, black, blue, Harlequin, mantle and brindle are the most accepted colors of this breed. Despite the giant appearance, he is friendly and mixes well with other dogs and pets. He becomes close to his family members and frequent visitors. He has to be exercised regularly to keep him more active. He quickly alerts the family about approaching strangers, although they don't bark much.

In natural intelligence, he is somewhat above other few dogs. He has a most impressive figure and never slobbers from his mouth. On the other hand, if Great Dane Obedience Training is not given properly, he can be a dangerous animal, due to his terrible strength. A Great Danes takes longer to mature and the puppy period lasts up to two years. A puppy is normally more rambunctious than an adult, and hence, he can damage household things if not under regular supervision. Early Great Dane Obedience Training is a must, as they weigh more and grow rapidly. During the obedience training, basic manners should be taught with strict discipline.

For more in-depth Great Dane training info, check out: Great Dane Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.

This article was brought to you by Online Dog Training (©2008 Dog Obedience Training). For more information on Great Dane Obedience Training, visit the Dog Training Zone!

Jack Russell Terrier

Some people find it difficult to train a Jack Russell Terrier. Jack Russell Obedience training requires some thorough understanding of the breed. This dog is an intelligent working dog, and may prove too much for some owners. Given enough information and with some patience, the training process should be enjoyable and productive! You should never punish your dog if he's done something that you don't like. Instead of punishing him, you can ignore him for sometime. Dogs crave human interaction and acceptance, this approach will eventually stops him from making such mistakes.

The Jack Russell suffers from separation anxiety when left alone for a long time. He always want to get his owner's attention and when neglected he feels bad. When the dog is having anxiety attack, he usually whines, paces, chews, scratches doors and window sills and barks without any obvious reason. Other signs of separation anxiety include vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. These signs are seen when the owner neglects the dog for a longer time. So, Jack Russell Obedience training includes socializing the dog as much as possible and spending time with him every day. There are various techniques that will work best to address this anxiety problem. You can take your dog for a walk for fifteen to thirty minutes each day. This will keep him energetic and he will not feel depressed, even when you leave him alone during the day.

A Jack Russell makes an ideal hunting companion. He has high energy levels and some open space in your backyard will be the perfect place for him to carry out his search operations. He makes a good family pet as he immediately alerts the family about any strangers. He can even become aggressive towards the stranger, but he rarely exhibits this quality, especially when he has been properly socialized. Jack Russell Obedience training would not be complete without socializing. You need to socialize your dog from the moment he is home, and being an intelligent breed, he will reward your patience by learning quickly. He tolerates the presence of children and others when you invite him, although as with all dogs, children should be supervised when playing with your dog.

As Jack Russells are highly energetic, apartment life may not be suitable for him. He needs space to burn up his energy. Apartment life leads to boredom and hence he may start destroying your home! So, during Jack Russell Obedience training, train him to behave normally, even in smaller places. If you have a yard with a fence, he will enjoy being outside. This dog loves to run freely and he will also burn off the excess energy by running.

Jack Russells require minimum grooming, and removing the dirt from his coat is also quite simple. You can use a sturdy brush once or twice a week to get rid of the dirt from his coat. Russells are healthy and hearty dogs. They may require some medical attention for their eyes and ears. Deafness may develop if you are not taking proper care of the ears of the Jack Russell. Take him for a nice long walk daily to keep him healthy. He will be happy in his owner's company and also when trained properly he mingles with people very easily.

For more in-depth Jack Russell Terrier training info, check out: Secrets to Dog Training.

This article was brought to you by Online Dog Training (©2008 Dog Obedience Training). For more information on Jack Russell Obedience Training, visit the Dog Training Zone!


Poodles are my favorite kind of dog for many reasons. They are "drop dead gorgeous" to start, and oh so intelligent. Some people think that Poodles come in second in the canine "smart" category, but I think those who say that are using a different measuring stick than I am. Having lived with Poodles and also having hands-on experience through the years, I have found them to be the most "human like" of any breed.

Poodles have a very long history of living in close quarters with humans. Their level of domestication surpasses other less domesticated breeds of canines that have been more for utility than the Poodle. Genetic imprinting (why a dog have certain behavioral attributes) has everything to do with why a dog acts as he/she does.

Genetic imprinting is why the German Shepherd just knows to protect his owners, why a Border Collie is so very proficient when it comes to herding her sheep, and why a Newfoundland will jump into ice cold water to save a human he doesn't even know. Through generations of selective breeding for a specific behavior, aptitude and ability are created in each of our wonderful purebred canine friends.

Poodles have a history in Duck Retrieval. The hunter was served very well by their well trained retrieving Poodle. Poodles also were trusted in World War II to carry messages through very dangerous territories, avoiding the enemy and delivering information that was so important at the time. Their human counterparts had long recognized that the Poodles were of superior intelligence and could be trusted with such a task.

But, after a long day of work, while the Shepherd was sleeping in his dog house, the Border Collie in the barn and the Newfoundland was drying off from his death defying dive, the Poodle, in most cases, was at his owner's feet by the fireplace enjoying the quiet companionship of the one he worshiped, his beloved master. Poodles learned to act as another member of the human household long ago, and it shows in their ability to integrate into the home of the human today. Poodles do not shed like so many of the other breeds, nor do they have a "doggy odor." They enjoy doing whatever involves their human, whether it be laying by the pool or hiking in the mountains. Poodles are extremely versatile canines.

Of the three varieties – Toy Poodle, Miniature Poodle and Standard Poodle – the Standard Poodle is, of course, the most rugged. Poodles do not have strong gender-specific traits that separate the boys from the girls. However the females tend to be more active over all than the males. Both sexes are darling, and if someone were to tell me I could have only one, it would be a hard choice to pick between the two.

Poodles are individuals. They have very individual likes and dislikes. But one thing most Poodles have in common is the ability to communicate just what it is they are trying to say. Poodles are fun loving and have great humor in the way they perceive the world. And with their very distinct facial expressions, you can usually tell what is going on in those fabulous heads of theirs.

For more in-depth Poodle training info, check out: Secrets to Dog Training.

This article was brought to you by PoodleDogs.net. For more information on Poodle Obedience Training, visit the Dog Training Zone!

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a purebred dog registered with most official kennel clubs, including the American Kennel Club. Shih Tzu dogs are in the toy group, and has a unique history originating from Tibet. DNA tests have recently shown that they may be one of the oldest dog breeds. Shih Tzu's may have originated from mixing the Pekingese with the Tibetan dog, the Lhasa Apso. Like the Pekingese, this breed was also bred to sit around the palace of the Emperor of China and bark when people approached. It's also known as a Shitzu.

The Shih Tzu is a tiny dog, averaging nine inches in height. It has a long and soft white coat. Other colors are acceptable such as black, red or tan. Some Shih Tzu's will have white mixed with another color. Their coat tangles easily which causes them to need frequent brushing. Their hair grows fast and gets very long so it is best to have them see a professional groomer every 6 weeks to keep them looking their best. To keep their hair out of their eyes, a bow or barrette is often used. Shih Tzu's do not shed. Their most striking feature is their beautiful coat and the way they carry themselves.

There are not many people who would argue that they are simply beautiful and easy to love. Shih Tzu dogs have a gentle personality that goes well with the look that they have and this makes them absolutely charming creatures.

The Shih Tzu puppy is a very affectionate, sociable and cheerful dog. She can be quite adorable. She is smart and very lovable. She seldom barks. Like many dogs in the toy group, however, she is not the easiest of dogs to train. She tends towards stubbornness. A Shih Tzu puppy is not overly keen to learn tricks or obey her master, but she does carry herself with grace and appear proud. She can get along with children and other pets, because she likes company. She can be very smart and often appear to be a very happy dog. A Shih Tzu loves to cuddle, which can make her charming. She can easily win over someone's heart.

The Shih Tzu may be the perfect small breed dog for someone who is looking for a loving and loyal companion. The Shitzu adores cuddling and is sociable and charming. She doesn't shed and has little dander, so it is great for someone who wants a dog but is allergic to most dogs. A Shitzu is not the ideal breed for someone who wants to enter dog obedience competitions. But on the other hand, if they love to train dogs and like a challenge, with a lot of determination and patience, they might win in their own breed category, competing against the other breeds in the toy group.

The Shih Tzu breed does not need a lot of exercise. She has a beautiful coat that requires a lot of care. These features would not make a Shih Tzu puppy well suited to country life or farm life. However, Shih Tzu dogs can be quite content in the city, living in an apartment

This article was brought to you by Moderndogs.net (©2007 Moderndogs.net).

For more in-depth Shih Tzu training info, check out: Shih Tzu Training Secrets (Shitzu) or Secrets to Dog Training or the Dog Training Zone!

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