Selasa, 01 September 2009

Basic Breed Information - 4

Here's a great series that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it interesting! –Kim

Basic Breed Information – Part 4


When it comes to Akita training, you probably already know that it can sometimes be difficult to train your Akita dog. This is simply because the Akita dog is a highly intelligent, fearless and spontaneous animal. These of course are wonderful characteristics, but can lead to making training your Akita rather difficult. So can the ultra intelligent Akita dog be difficult to train?

For starters, Akita's are EXTREMELY protective of their owners and family. While this means undying loyalty to you and your family, it also means that they have a strong tendency to be rather aggressive and hot tempered towards any "unknown" visitors. This characteristic is the most difficult personality trait that needs to be trained when it comes to Akita training. Of course, with the proper knowledge of Akita training, this shouldn't pose to be too much trouble.

Akita dogs are also very intelligent animals, and it is for this very reason that they may often times think they "know better," and try to take their own path...even towards their own training. However this means that if you have the proper knowledge of how to train your Akita dog, then they will learn very quickly and with ease.

Akita's have a strong tendency to NOT get along with other pets, but this trait can be somewhat cured. Because Akita's are very dominant and territorial animals, they're not very big fans of sharing space with other animals.

From the moment you bring your Akita home to the days that your Akita is resting underneath the shade, it is absolutely IMPRETIVE that they know who their master is at all times, otherwise it is very likely that they will run all over you. A timid or submissive owner is not recommended for this breed, their strong will can over power you.

It also must be noted, that while Akita's do get along very well with children that they already know within the family, they have a tendency to not tolerate new children that are brought into the family, making it not a good choice for a family who expects more little ones down the road.

Now all these traits should not put you off owning an Akita dog. Yes, Akita training can provide the owner with some challenges, but the rewards are very well worth it. It is also important to note that while this breed might have its difficulties, these are traits that can be drastically settled down, but require the proper specialized knowledge to do so. Being an expert on dog training myself, I highly recommend that you acquire the right specialized knowledge of how to train your Akita properly, or your Akita experience might prove to be somewhat bitter.

It should also be noted, that training your Akita is actually not a hard process, even though it might seem as such, the Akita's incredible intelligence makes it a very quick and fun learner.

For more in-depth Akita training info, check out: The Akita Guide or Secrets to Dog Training.

I can guarantee that you'll have trouble with your Akita dog if you do not acquire the specialized knowledge to properly undergo Akita training. Don't ruin the chance of receiving the reward of such a wonderful dog, train them right from the start! Visit

American Bulldog

The American Bulldog is known for many of its defined traits, and is almost as close to an American symbol as one can get, apart only from the bald eagle. American Bulldog training can be a very fun and entertaining experience, but still needs to be handled properly it the training is to be successful. Too often I see such smart and beautiful American Bulldogs that are just out of control and unhappy. On my professional guarantee, if you acquire the right knowledge and how to apply it when training your Bulldog, these problems will not haunt you, and the rewards of a wonderful American Bulldog will follow.

The American Bulldog is an extremely athletic, powerful, and muscular animal. This is a wonderful trait, but not a trait that every owner can handle. This means that this animal requires very frequent exercise and almost constant stimulation. This doesn't mean that you have to run 12 miles with your Bulldog and have him/her pull a sled, but it does mean that if you're not someone who is frequently active and don't take your American Bulldog along for the ride, you'll end up with an unhappy pet that can lead to bigger problems down the road. Again, you don't need extreme conditions to stimulate your Bulldog, but specialized knowledge is required to properly train and stimulate them.

American Bulldogs are happy, friendly and devoted pets that get along great with children, even those that are brought into the family later on in a Bulldogs life. However, because of they're size and love for constant stimulation, they are either best suited for older children (rather then babies or infants) or should be watched when around infants. The fear in this is not because of a possible attack or bite (this doesn't occur with Bulldogs) but because of their size and weight they could unintentionally role over or sit on an infant. However, believe it or not, you can actually train and American Bulldog to understand the difference between adult and infant with the right training, thus making him/her extra gentle around smaller children.

The American Bulldog does thankfully get along with other household pets, but only it they grow up with them in the same environment. It should be said however that the American Bulldog does not get along very well with smaller pets such as cats, rabbits, gerbils etc. This is simply because of their natural extinct to gather or work. This natural instinct however can surprisingly be subdued and with the right American Bulldog training, can be cured over time.

The American Bulldog is a very loyal animal and because of its natural guarding instincts can be wary, reserved and on occasion aggressive towards strangers it does not know. It is very important that you PROPERLY socialize this breed from an early age so that these problems do not occur. However, the American Bulldog requires that it be socialized in a very proper and specific manner, so make sure you acquire the needed knowledge.

All in all, the bulldog makes for an excellent pet and animal, but just like any other breed of dog requires training knowledge that is specifically tailored towards this breed. American Bulldog training does not have to be a chore, and while it can sometimes be extensive, it can also be a lot of fun for both you and your pet. The rewards of getting it "right" with this breed are extensive, so take the time and put in the effort to gain the needed knowledge to properly train this breed.

For more in-depth Bulldog training info, check out: American Bulldog Training or Secrets to Dog Training.

I can guarantee that you'll have trouble with your American Bulldog if you do not acquire the specialized knowledge to properly undergo American Bulldog training. Don't ruin the chance of receiving the reward of such a wonderful dog, train them right from the get go! Visit

Australian Shepherd

When looking for which dog breed to choose for your family, there are always several issues to take into consideration. Jesse and Harley, who are brother and sister, are the first Australian shepherd dogs we've had in our family, and I must say, I am very impressed by this breed of dog.

When Harley was a puppy and had chewed her squeaky ball to a frazzle, I put it in the bathroom sink to temporarily get it out of sight before I could throw it away. I didn't want any of the loosened rubber to get lodged down her throat. I heard a scrambling noise behind me and lo and behold, Harley had managed to scramble up the side of the bathroom cabinets and was joyfully standing in the sink, retrieving her ball!

Right then and there I knew, this is no ordinary breed of dog! We have no herd of sheep for them to corral, and we only have an oversized, fenced backyard for them to play and romp in, but lots of play at dog parks and long walks in the woods have been a necessity to keep these Aussies happy. Australian shepherds are fantastic dogs for agility training also. The fast-paced runs are perfect for their athleticism.

All in all, I've found them to be energetic, super smart, playful, good with children and one aspect that I really appreciate is that they are a breed that doesn't roam. As far as training, they are so smart, that it doesn't take long for them to catch on to what I am trying to help them understand. The slant I use for training is a gentle, positive approach.

With repetition, they are quick to catch on. For an example, if Jesse rolls in something nasty during our walks, or gets totally muddy playing in the small child's boat we keep full of water in the summer, all I have to do is ask him to jump in the tub, and show him what I mean, and he knows to go straight into the house and jump into the bathtub for a quick wash. My previous dogs were a yellow lab and a German shepherd, and I'd never experienced a dog who could just jump in the tub so effortlessly as Jesse can.

In closing, what I'd like to stress to anyone considering this breed is that they need lots of exercise (not necessarily strenuous), interesting things to do, and to stay close to their family. They are happiest in continual contact with their "flock" which includes their human family. They want to make sure everyone in the family gets along, too. Harley especially will emit a low growl if she thinks play is too rough (between other dogs or people).

She is an expert at breaking up dogs who are too rambunctious with each other if she feels one of them is being bullied or picked on. All in all, I would highly recommend this breed to the right family. They would not be suitable for a small apartment, but rather need space and an active family to let their personalities and their boundless energy shine through.

For more in-depth Australian Shepherd training info, check out: Sit-Stay-Fetch or Secrets to Dog Training.

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Basset Hound

Training a dog should be an enjoyable and easy task both for you and your dog, but things can be different in Basset Hound training. It is because Basset Hounds, just like any other hounds, are extremely hard to train. They tend not to obey commands given to them because as scent hounds they prefer to follow what their noses tell them. Low desire to please its owner is another reason why a basset hound is hard to train.

When it comes to dog training, especially obedience training, a Basset hound is less likely to be chosen by most dog owners and trainers because of its characteristics towards training. However, it is not impossible to train a Basset hound if you really want to. Some have been successful in training their Basset hounds but only a few of them. Patience, together with your great love for your Basset hound is essential in order to have a well behaved dog.

Training tips are just few clicks away when searching a web and you can also learn through seminars from dog experts. But the best method in Basset Hound training is to know and listen to your dog. Discover what exercise or activity your dog enjoys and start your way from there. Let him understand that training is fun! Be artistic and create fun and exciting training methods and as much as possible, vary it from time to time so as not to bore them. Limit the training session to only 10-20 minutes. Slowing down and showing resistance to work is an indication that he has become bored or he doesn't like your training method.

Using training tools such as crate and rewards are ideal partner in every training session. Most Basset hounds obey command when offered reward, but will forget the training when reward is being offered. To do away with this, hide the reward from the dog before giving a command. Show him the reward only until he has complied with the command so as to come up with a Basset hound who follows command with or without the presence of a reward. The point here is to give him the idea that you may have a reward for him even if he can not see it.

It is also important to know the right time to start training. Making mistakes in the beginning of the training may delay the process and may not guarantee better results. Begin the training with something he enjoys so that he will be convinced to do it. Avoid being harsh and force your dog to do something which you think he doesn't like. Consistency and determination is much more helpful.

With these tips, you will surely be able to come up with nicely trained dog. You can now aim higher levels of training such as obedience and agility training, and prove others that it is not impossible to train these stubborn four legged friends.

For more in-depth Basset Hound training info, check out: Sit-Stay-Fetch or Dog Breed Info Center or Secrets to Dog Training.

Richard Cussons is a great lover of dogs. Discover more about Basset Hound dogs.

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