Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Clicker-training: The Highly Effective Method Used by Many Professional Dog Trainers

Valuable Resource...

The 4 Secrets of Becoming a Supertrainer...

The following information may change the way you look at dog training forever.

From Morten Egtvedt & Cecilie Koeste

Dear Fellow Dog Trainer,
Did you know that there are FOUR important secrets about training dogs (or any other animals), that can make YOU capable of solving every behavior problem you will ever meet – and teach any new behavior or trick you can imagine?

Did you know that regardless of whether you have just gotten your first puppy or whether you are already an experienced dog owner or trainer – learning these secrets could change your life?

Did you know that everything you have heard about clicker training until now may be just the tip of the iceberg?

Did you know that most people using clicker training today never really unleash the full potential of this powerful technology?

Well, that is going to change for you, my friend...

...as soon as you learn the 4 Secrets of Becoming a Supertrainer.

Meet Emma. She is the kind of dog trainer who is able to solve ANY kind of dog problem. No matter what kind of dog, no matter what kind of behavior problem. Emma knows exactly how to analyze the problem, design a training plan and fix it. And dogs just love her!

Emma used to be just like most other dog owners. She believed that advanced dog training was only for experts with special talents (you know, like the "dog whisperers" on TV).

But then Emma learned about Clicker Training and the 4 Secrets of Becoming a Supertrainer. And when you know these secrets your life changes. Because now you always know where to look for solutions when you want to fix a problem, teach a new behavior or improve your training.

When YOU learn these 4 secrets you too will be ready to face ANY training challenge. And just like Emma you will be laughing at "dog whisperers" with all their superstitious explanations.

Because you will know that dog training is not magic – it's SCIENCE. And everyone can learn these scientific principles and use them effectively in their training.

So, where do I learn more about these secrets?

Click here for more information!

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

A Home for the Holidays

Here's a great article that I thought I would pass on... Happy New Year! –Kim

Airline Workers Give Grounded Pooch a Home for the Holidays

By Renee Nadeau Algarin
December 24, 2011

Continental Airlines customer service reps have opened their homes in the spirit of this season of giving to a little dog that flew cross-county with his owner only to be barred from a flight to Spain.

Jane Bossi of Wakefield, a 28-year employee, said she was boarding customers on a Madrid-bound flight Sunday as a colleague tended to a Lake Tahoe woman and her 4-month-old puppy, Whopper.

The woman paid to have the pup fly under her seat from San Francisco to Boston, but she hadn't secured a health certificate from a vet to fly the pup out of the country. Hopes of placing the pup in a pet hotel went bust since he is too young to have had all his shots.

That's when Bossi opened her home to the pooch, offering to care for Whopper until his tearful owner returned from her trip to visit family in Spain.

"You just have to reach out and follow your heart and do something nice. She was out of answers. She did not know what else to do," Bossi said.

Bossi has emailed photos of the brindle Shar Pei-Boxer mix to his owner daily.

"I'm in love with him now because he's so beautiful," Bossi said.

Whopper will not be able to tag along on a surprise trip to New Hampshire to visit Bossi's mother, but luckily Bossi's co-workers have hearts as big as hers.

"The mother in all of us just took over," said LaDonna Evans-Ampadu, a fellow customer service rep and longtime foster parent who will pick up Whopper at the airport today to bring him to her Worcester home for the holiday. She plans to use the experience to teach her two daughters about caring for a dog before they get one next year.

Bossi said she has gotten more out of the experience than she imagined.

"This puppy was almost given to me as a gift," she said. "You do things sometimes and you get more back than you ever felt you deserved."

Source: http://bostonherald.com/news/regional/view/2011_1224airline_workers_give_grounded_pooch_a_home_for_the_holidays
© Copyright the Boston Herald and Herald Media

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

If I Didn't Have a Dog...

Here are some great quotes that I thought I would pass on...hope you can relate! –Kim

I came across this on the Web this week:

"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened."

If I Didn't Have a Dog...

I could walk around the yard barefoot in safety.

All flat surfaces, clothing, furniture and cars would be free of hair.

When the doorbell rings, it wouldn't sound like a kennel.

When the doorbell rings, I could get to the door without wading through fuzzy bodies who beat me there.

I could sit on the couch and my bed the way I wanted, without taking into consideration how much space several fur bodies would need to get comfortable.

I would have money and no guilt to go on a real vacation.

I would not be on a first-name basis with numerous veterinarians, as I put their yet unborn grand kids through college.

The most used words in my vocabulary would not be: out, sit, down, come, no, stay, and leave him/her/it ALONE.

My house would not look like a day care center, with toys everywhere.

I would not have as many leaves INSIDE my house as outside.

I would not look strangely at people who think having ONE dog/cat ties them down too much.

I'd look forward to spring and the rainy season instead of dreading 'mud' season.

I would not have to answer the question: 'Why do you have so many animals?' from people who will never have the joy in their lives of knowing they are loved unconditionally by someone as close to an angel as they will ever get.

How EMPTY my life would be!!!

Source: http://karendecoster.com/until-one-has-loved-an-animal-part-of-their-soul-remains-unawakened.html

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

10 Compelling Reasons to Add a Shelter Dog to Your Life

Here's a great article that I thought I would pass on. Merry Christmas! –Kim

Don't Buy – ADOPT a Shelter Dog
by Julia Szabo

If you haven't already experienced the joy of dog adoption, there's no time like the present to save a K9 life, and upgrade your own in the process.

I should know: I've been adopting dogs from shelters since 1994, when I brought home my very first pit bull, a white vision of beauty named Daisy. Since then, I've adopted dozens of dogs in every imaginable color, shape, and size. Some of them I rehomed; many wound up staying with me.

Shelter dogs have taught me more lessons about life and love than I can count or recount here. This much I can tell you: There's no nicer, more unpretentious teacher than a shelter dog! Daisy was also a brilliant literary coach, motivating me to achieve every young writer's dream: placing an article in The New Yorker.

Shelter dogs also impart excellent design advice. Thanks to my adopted dogs, I was able to summon the courage to write my first book, Animal House Style: Designing a Home to Share With Your Pets. They also inspired all my other books about pets and design.

Shelter dogs are natural-born decorators; they vote with their feet, and they don't charge a fee. Plus, they are wonderful to sleep with, especially when the weather turns cold. Shelter dogs are great in bed. At my place, every night is a four-dog night!

A visit to your local animal shelter or Dogster's adoption center (powered by Petfinder.com) will get you started on the road to K9 redemption. Need incentive? Here are 10 compelling reasons to adopt a shelter dog. What are you waiting for?

10 Compelling Reasons to Add a Shelter Dog to Your Life

  1. As the environmentally conscious recycling movement has proven, it's easy (and fun!) being green, and dog adoption is the noblest form of recycling. One person's trash (boo!) is another's treasured pet.
  2. Every year, millions of healthy, sweet, soulful dogs are killed at animal shelters across this country just for lack of cage space; as with people, bad luck can cause good dogs to become homeless through no fault of their own. By adopting a shelter dog, you're doing your part to help end the nationwide crisis of homelessness.
  3. With so many charismatic celebrities walking around with adopted dogs by their side — Lenny Kravitz among them — it's clear that adoption isn't just the right thing to do, it's the cool thing to do. To your adopted dog, you're the resident rock star!
  4. You know all those people who are so proud of their honor-student kids? Well, adopted dogs are super-smart, the Mensas of muttdom. So skip the bumper sticker — flaunt stray pride with a cool collar or T-shirt. Even your coffee mug can proclaim pride for pound pups!
  5. Don't you want somebody to love? Somebody who will actually love you back? For anyone who's ever suffered the pangs of unrequited affection — and who hasn't? — rest assured that an adopted dog will return those tender feelings tenfold. No more lonely nights!
  6. If you've had it up to here with criticism from your nearest and dearest, get used to unconditional K9 adoration. Years of psychotherapy can't hold a candle to an adopted dog's uncomplaining, adoring presence. "Dinner's late? Again? I adore you!"
  7. Got performance anxiety about trying out a new hobby or activity? With an adopted dog as your nonjudgmental audience or workout partner, there's nothing to fear: From exercise routines to gourmet cooking to knitting, your efforts will get an A+ even if they deserve a D!
  8. Adopting a dog proves you're a person of great inner depth who values substance (a mystery dog of unknown parentage) over style (a predictable pedigreed purebred).
  9. But hey, if you're a style hound, there's no more stylin' statement than a shelter dog — s/he coordinates beautifully with any outfit or style of decor!
  10. Are you a political animal? Then reaffirm your faith in the democratic process with an adopted dog. After all, shelter mutts are the people's dog: E Pluribus Unum, one dog out of many. Uncle Sam wants YOU to adopt today!

About the Author: The author of six books, Julia Szabo writes Dogster's Living with Dogs column and is a pet expert for Howcast.com.

Source: http://dogblog.dogster.com/2011/10/03/10-compelling-reasons-to-add-a-shelter-dog-to-your-life/?v=1

Also, see:

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Valuable Resource...

You CAN Heal Your Sick Pet at Home,
Without Going to the Vet...

In Less than 24 Hours, I Can Show You How to Examine, Diagnose and Treat Your Pet at Home.

Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM

Dear fellow pet lover,
If you're not ready to make some simple changes to the way you provide veterinary care to your pet, beginning today....

...your dog or cat could be seriously ill and live a "shortened" life!

Here is How I know:

My dog died young, only 8 years old. He was a mixed breed dog, a specimen of health. He was given a ton of attention, exercised three times a day, fed only Veterinary Approved food, and given all his vaccines. He had the "ideal" life. Hoochie passed away in my arms from a massive tumor bleed at 12:02pm on April 12, 2003 – the saddest day of my life.

I asked myself... why?

I thought that he was incredibly healthy. I was sure I was doing all of the right things for him.

But I later discovered I may have contributed to his death, because I believed ONLY in conventional veterinary medicine. You see, I am a Veterinarian.

I'm Dr. Andrew Jones, and I have practiced Veterinary Medicine for over a decade. Over the past 17 years I have treated literally thousands of pets for a whole variety of problems, and I currently own the Nelson Animal Hospital in Nelson BC, Canada (http://www.nelsonvet.com/). But, my beloved dog Hoochie is gone.

You are fortunate... it's not too late for you and your pet. Just read on and find out exactly what you must do now.

Pay Close Attention

Conventional veterinary medicine may be harming your pet – and I can show you step-by-step what you must do to prevent it. "Regular" veterinary care has lost its effectiveness over the years, and in some cases is actually causing illness in our pets.

Alternative pet health care has grown over the past few years, but the truth is that Veterinarians have STRONGLY discouraged pet owners from treating their pets outside of the Vet Clinic.

The entire Pet Health Industry has a vested interest in discrediting alternative medicines which can safely, naturally and effectively allow pet owners to care for their pets at home.


Lock the door, Unplug the phone, and do whatever you can to have 10 undivided minutes... Get ready to read about how you could be saving the life of your pet starting now!

"I began to notice something unusual..."

Slowly, I began to notice something unusual about Hoochie. He really just wasn't the same. He was reluctant to go for his morning dog walk, which was always the highlight of his day.

I dismissed it as him feeling a bit off, some mild stomach issue or maybe a touch of arthritis... but it didn't pass. In fact, it got worse.

I eventually did a blood test on Hoochie, thinking at that point that he had a tooth infection. However, much to my horror, I quickly found out that he had a spleen tumor.

Immediately, I performed surgery on Hoochie and removed the spleen tumor. But I was too late - the cancer had already spread to his liver, and I knew that very soon, he would die.

How did an apparently healthy
mixed breed dog die so young?

I did all the "right" things – or so I thought. After grieving, I came to realize that I had played a role in his dying at too young of an age.

I came to question exactly what I did to my own pet – and what was I doing to other people's pets.

Through my questioning, I came to realize that most Veterinarians (including me as well, at the time) are not "getting it" – that in the process of trying to heal pets through technological advances, we are actually making them sicker!

There are 3 mistakes that I made that contributed to Hoochie's early death...

...are you making these same mistakes with your own dog?

Click here to continue for more information!

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Doggie Piano Solo

Here's another really cute video...too cute! –Kim

Piano Dog Solo

This little guy just gives it everything he's got!

Imagine you are a singer and you accompany yourself on the piano. You have a small dog who is your constant companion and watches as you rehearse. Got the picture?

Now, imagine that you must be away for a few hours and leave the dog alone at home.

Here is what happened while you were away.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36a_mDW7FKY

Kamis, 24 November 2011

PETA Kills 86% of Animals

Here's some important information that I thought I would pass on. –Kim

PETA Kills 86% of Animals in Their Care
By Dr. Andrew Jones
November 24, 2011

The animal rights group PETA is often in the news with flashy billboards, naked celebrities and pretty dramatic claims.

But now there are documented reports that PETA kills most of the animals in their care. A group called, 'PETA Kills Animals' cites figures self-reported by the animal charity showing since 1998 it euthanized more than 25,000 pets; nearly 86% of the animals in their so called 'shelter.'

In 2010, PETA managed to place only 44 of the 2,345 pets which were in their care. By comparison, a close by Virginia Beach SPCA has a tiny budget; yet it adopted MOST of the animals in their care.

PETA's 2010 revenues were more than $35 million – with that you would think they would keep most of the animals in their care alive.

P.S. The basic principle of living with integrity is to 'practice what you preach.' Clearly PETA doesn't abide by that life rule.

My suggestion is to NOT support this organization. Your time and dollars are much better spent on a local (no-kill) animal shelter, which is giving animals a second chance, and placing them in forever, loving homes.

P.P.S. Of course there are times when the 'live with integrity' principle can get you into hot water... I could still be practicing if I had compromised some beliefs. But in the long run, it's always better to do what you believe is true.

Source: http://www.theinternetpetvet.com/peta-killing-86-animals-care/
Copyright © Four Paws Online Ltd. 2011

Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM has been a practicing Veterinarian for almost 20 years. He is a strong advocate of Natural Pet Health Care, and knows that the most important way to heal our pets and prevent disease is through proper nutrition. He developed Ultimate Canine to give our dogs that extra advantage – something that will provide them with everything they need to develop stronger immune systems to fight disease, heal sore or stiff joints, and help them live longer, happier lives. Dr. Andrew Jones' main focus is on alternative, non-traditional remedies for pets. His interest in alternative pet medicine culminated in the writing of his book, Veterinary Secrets Revealed.

Also, see:

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Why You Should Adopt a Senior Dog

Here's another great article that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it informative! –Kim

Why You Should Adopt a Senior Dog
Maryann Mott

Adopting a senior dog has a lot of advantages. These golden oldies are already housebroken, obey obedience commands, and require significantly less exercise than their younger counterparts.

"There's nothing quite so wise and wonderful as an older dog," says Judith Piper, founder of Old Dog Haven in Arlington, Washington.

The rescue group has a dedicated network of foster homes that specialize in saving dogs eight years and older. Most pets usually arrive at the organization after their elderly owner dies or is no longer able to care for them.

Senior dogs are also surprisingly in demand with adopters – in part, Piper says, because what you see is what you get.

A dog's size, personality, and energy level are already known. There's no guessing what that small pup will become as an adult, and that's a big bonus for many people looking to add a pet to their household, especially if you don't want long-term ownership commitments because of expected life changes including retirement or job relocation.

Also, in today's electronic age, an increasing number of people work from home and want mellow four-footed colleagues to keep them company. Still others adopt older companions simply to get started the world of dog ownership. "It's really easier to start with an older dog that isn't as demanding as a puppy," Piper says.

Sound tempting? Before filling out an adoption application, here are a few things you should consider:

  • Older dogs require more potty breaks throughout the day. That means you'll need to install a pet door or indoor potty, hire a dog walker, or come home for lunch to let your pet outside to relieve him/herself.
  • Large dogs with arthritis don't do well in two- and three-story homes because of the stairs, and won't be able to accompany you on lengthy walks or hikes. Inexpensive arthritis formulas and pain reliefs are available, however.
  • As older dogs continue to age, they might lose their sight or hearing. Because of this, adoption experts say, households with toddlers (either your own or grandchildren who visit frequently) are not ideal. Young children who accidentally startle or frighten a deaf or blind dog might get bitten.

Another consideration is the high cost of veterinary care, says Jamie Pinn, executive director of H.A.R.T Senior Dog Rescue in Fillmore, Calif. For more than 20 years the nonprofit has specialized in re-homing dogs aged 7 and older. Each pet undergoes an extensive medical exam, so adopters know upfront about any potential health issues. "We feel we owe that to whoever is going to take them on," she says.

Canines at Old Dog Haven also undergo complete physical exams. Rescue groups recommend that adopters use local veterinarians with experience in treating ailing geriatric animals, who are also known for not pushing pricey medical procedures.

Adopting an older dog is an often-overlooked option but one that many rescue groups say you won't regret. These mellow canine companions will happily pay you back for giving them a home by filling your life with so much love and joy, you'll wonder why you never considered it before.

About the Author: Maryann Mott is an Arizona-based pet journalist.

Source: https://www.dogster.com/dog-adoption/adopt-a-senior-dog

Also, see:

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

HomeMade Dog Toys

Valuable Resource...

Who Else Thinks Dog Toys are


Save money, make your pooch happy and stop lining the pockets of pet store chains!

  • Save Big $$ Making Your Own Dog Toys!
  • Learn How to Keep It Safe!
  • Turn Trash into Hours of Fun!
  • Have Fun on a Budget!
  • Teach Your Kids the Value of Making Things at Home!

There is nothing like making something with your own two hands. There is a personal feeling of accomplishment, but more importantly, your canine friend will appreciate the effort.

If your dog is anything like mine, a store bought toy may get a bit of attention for a few moments, but then the toy is ignored for more personal items in the home including, but not limited to, shoes, socks, couches, or even tables depending on the dog’s size.

Everyone knows dogs love to run and chew, and this is natural for any dog. Puppies tend to teethe, and just like children, they will put anything in their mouth.

As a pet owner, you get to offer some acceptable solutions to this natural process, hopefully deterring the teething pup away from the more unacceptable items.

Nonetheless, the pup will choose something homemade over something store bought because the smell from store bought items are nowhere near as appealing as items already in the home.

Making HomeMade dog toys is COST-EFFECTIVE, imaginative, and down right fun. Almost anything in the home has the potential to be a dog toy, and believe me, your dog is well aware of this fact.

When bored, your favorite cushion sure will feel good on those teething incisors, and the smell is simply wonderful!

Those curtains hanging there sure do move nicely and make this interesting sound, and your dog will thoroughly enjoy finding out what is making that sound.

Let’s face it – your home is a cornucopia of interesting smells and sounds with everything you hold dear having the potential to be an enormous dog chew.

Instead of allowing your best friend to envision your belongings as a favorite new toy, or an adversary needing to be ripped to shreds, pet owners offer special toys to their dog. This is how a dog learns what is an acceptable opponent, and what is not so acceptable.

Making homemade pet toys is an ideal method of allowing your dog the benefit of personal scents you naturally add to the homemade item instead of the sterile or mixed scents of those store bought items.

It's Also a Great Way to Teach Your Kids the Value of a Dollar and Inspire Them Creatively!

Continued - List of toys you can easily make, plus five BONUS books....

Senin, 07 November 2011

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Pet First Aid: Choking & CPR

Here's a great article that I thought I would pass on...it's good to be prepared! –Kim

Pet First Aid: Choking & CPR
Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM

Recently I had an emergency call from a client who thought that her pet had stopped breathing – her pet had been chewing on something behind the couch.

This scenario has happened before...meaning, it could happen to YOUR dog or cat.

I tried to talk her through performing some rescue breaths to see if his airway was really obstructed. Then, if so, I was going to try and describe how to do the Heimlich maneuver.

This is hard on the phone, and virtually impossible to do in an emergency.

An Emergency is NOT the time to learn!

But, being in this situation sure is not the time to learn this stuff. There are a few things that you need to do first.

  1. KNOW how to check if your dog or cat stops breathing.
  2. PRACTICE what to do IF this ever happens.

I have done a HUGE Dog and Cat First Aid Video Presentation that shows you all of these steps in detail.

The video is here (for cats and dogs):

The signs of choking are much the same as a person: Your dog is struggling to breathe, with their mouth open. They may be pawing at their mouth. They may be attempting to vomit. You may hear an unusual sound as they attempt to breathe and pull air through a foreign object lodged in their throat.


The causes of choking are with anything that can lodge in the throat. An example would be a dog fetching a ball, and having it lodge in their throat. A variety of food objects can lodge in your dog's airway.


CALL YOUR VET IF NEEDED. Dogs are notorious for trying to swallow things that are a little too big. The result can be choking where an object lodges in the airway.

REMOVE THE OBJECT. When time is of the essence, you must act quickly.

  1. Open your dog's mouth.
  2. Grasp the upper jaw with one hand over the muzzle.
  3. Press the lips over the upper teeth with your fingers on one side and the thumb on the other so that the dog's lips are between its teeth. Firm pressure may be required. The dog then can't close its mouth without biting itself and is less able to bite you. Pull his tongue out of the way.
  4. Reach deeply in to the back of your dog's throat and try to grasp the object. If it is a ball, and you are unable to move it, try using some type of instrument; tweezers, pliers or even a spoon shaped tong.
  5. If this method does not work for extracting the object from your dog's throat, try this technique. Lay your dog on its side. For small pets, place your palms behind the last rib on both sides of your pet's abdomen and press your palms together quickly 2-3 times. Repeat if necessary. For larger dogs, place both hands behind the last rib and push down and slightly forward sharply. Repeat rapidly until the object is dislodged.
  6. If you still can't remove the object and if your dog can breathe, transport him to your veterinarian. However, if your dog can't breathe you must continue to try to dislodge the object either by compression or by using the Heimlich, as your dog is unlikely to survive the delay in reaching veterinary aid.
  7. COMPRESSIONS. Gentle compressions on both sides of the widest point of the chest may help dislodge a ball or other object. Place both hands at the back of your dog over the widest point of the chest while he is standing, and give 5 firm compressions to dislodge the ball.
  8. HEIMLICH. If after trying to manually remove the object, and after gentle compressions it won't move, and your dog is still not breathing, then proceed with the Heimlich.
  9. TURN your dog upside down, with his back against your chest.
  10. WITH both arms, give sharp thrusts to the abdomen.
  11. AFTER 5 thrusts, stop and check to see if the object is visible in the airway. If so remove it and give 2 mouth-to-nose rescue breaths. If the breaths do not go in, repeat HEIMLICH.
  12. In some cases, your dog is too large to pick up. You can lay him on his side, and make a fist. Put your fist into the hollow beneath the rib cage, then push firmly inward and upward. Repeat 5 times, and then check to see if the object has been dislodged.
  13. If, after a few attempts, it is still lodged, but you can still hear wheezing and some noise when your dog is breathing, then you have time to rush to your vet.
  14. CPR. If your dog completely stops breathing, then you will have to know the CPR steps (see below).
  15. After the airway has been opened, you may need to give artificial respiration.
  16. CLOSE your dog's mouth and breathe directly into his nose until his chest expands. If the chest doesn't expand then go back to STEP 2 – "AIRWAY" (see CPR below).
  17. VENTILATE at 15 breaths per minute. One BREATH every 4 seconds.
  18. PROCEED to STEP 4 – "CIRCULATION" (see CPR below).

In some cases of choking, your pet's mouth has been injured. This means feeding a soft food for 7-14 days while the wounds heal.

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

See Pet CPR Video here.
  1. Assess Responsiveness. Before you start CPR, ensure that your pet is not still breathing, and their heart is not beating. If so, they DON'T need CPR.
  2. AIRWAY. Establish a PATENT airway. Perform 2 rescue breaths by wrapping your hand around their muzzle and blowing into their nose. If the chest rises, then the airway is patent. If the chest DOES NOT rise, then you need to check for an OBSTRUCTION. If this is the case then you need to do the HEIMLICH. In this procedure you are holding your pet upside down, their head is pointing down and their spine is against your body. You give 5 sharp thrusts to the abdomen – you are putting force on the abdomen to help dislodge any obstruction.
  3. ONCE you have a patent airway – you give 2 rescue breaths. When you see the chest rise and fall, and you know that the airway is open, then you proceed to Step 4 – Circulation.
  4. CIRCULATION. In this step you are compressing the chest, and that in turn compresses the heart. This is best performed by having your pet on their right side. The heart is easiest located on the left side of the chest, behind the left armpit. For a large dog use 2 hands, For a cat use your thumb and forefinger. Compress 15 compressions – 3 compressions every 2 seconds, then follow this up with 2 rescue breath.

Continue until your pet starts breathing again or you have emergency care at a Veterinarian.

Sources: http://www.petspawsibilities.com/?p=285
Copyright © Four Paws Online Ltd.

Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM has been a practicing Veterinarian for almost 20 years. He is a strong advocate of Natural Pet Health Care, and knows that the most important way to heal our pets and prevent disease is through proper nutrition. He developed Ultimate Canine to give our dogs that extra advantage – something that will provide them with everything they need to develop stronger immune systems to fight disease, heal sore or stiff joints, and help them live longer, happier lives. Dr. Andrew Jones' main focus is on alternative, non-traditional remedies for pets. His interest in alternative pet medicine culminated in the writing of his book, Veterinary Secrets Revealed.

Also, see:

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Looking for a Natural or Holistic Veterinarian?

Here's a great resource that I thought you'd find helpful. –Kim

American Holistic Veterinary Referral Search

"The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA) explores and supports alternative and complementary approaches to veterinary healthcare, and is dedicated to integrating all aspects of animal wellness in a socially and environmentally responsible manner" (from the AHVMA Web site).

You can perform a simple or advanced search for natural or holistic AHVMA Vets in your area (including U.S. states, Canada and a few other countries) with the following online tool:

Visit "The AHVMA Member Referral Search"

NOTE: Very few veterinarians are willing to provide consultation by telephone. Some will consult with your local veterinarian by phone, but they cannot offer you advice without having seen your animal. If you contact a veterinarian listed in this directory, and they tell you that they cannot consult by phone, please respect their wishes.

Alternately, you may use the Ask a Vet Online option, if desired. Just be sure they use natural or holistic methods, if that's what you're seeking.

Copyright © 2003-2010 DLB Consultants, Inc.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

The Complete Dog Food & Nutrition Guide

Valuable Resource...

Finally...All You Need
to Know about Your
Dog's Diet and Nutrition

Click below now to watch this short dog food video....

From Sharda Baker
Monday 11 May 2009

Dear fellow dog lover,
We have all heard the "horror stories" about the tainted, and sometimes toxic, dog foods on the market, AND ABOUT ALL THE DOG FOOD RECALLS.

Many of us are aware of the poor quality, sometimes useless, filler ingredients in many commercial dog foods and the dangers of many foods cooked in our homes for our dogs.

Even if you prepare your dog's food at home, there's the danger of feeding the wrong type of food.


You are probably just like me, and like most responsible dog owners, just want the best for your dog within a certain budget, right?

Click Here to Start Improving Your Dog's Health Today

Alarm bells first started ringing for me regarding dog food, several years ago, after seeing the pain an acquaintance, Sonia (not her real name) went through after losing her 2 dogs, one aged eight and one six and a half. One of her dogs died of pancreatitis and one of heart failure, both of which can occur as a result of poor diet.

It wasn't really her fault though...

It's not that Sonia was a bad dog owner, she just did what many dog owners do… And what I used to do, she fed her dog a standard dog food she found in the supermarket plus some regular table scraps.

Like many of us, she didn't understand how to make sense out of a dog food label. On closer examination, the dog food she had been feeding was one of the worst ones available.Simply understanding the label would have alerted Sonia not to use that dog food. Plus, the indiscriminate feeding of table scraps also contributed to her two dog's untimely deaths.

And that was just the beginning for me.

Ever since I witnessed the pain that can be caused by losing a pet at a young age, I started looking into dog food more closely. It's been quite a journey I can tell you. We all recognize deep down that our dog's diet is paramount to good health, just as our own diet is vital to our own good health. Yet, we are often unsure, or at worst ill advised, how to best manage our dog's nutrition.

To Keep Your Dog Healthy, You Must Discover What to Look For, and How to Properly Read and Understand the Deceptive Practices in Dog Food Ingredient Labels.

This information I have put together will show you what some dog food companies don’t want you to know.

I put together the "Complete Guide To Your Dog's Nutrition" ebook and audio package over the last 11 and a half months and inside you'll find:

12 OF THE BEST dog food brands for you and… It informs you of what is actually used in each of the dog foods. And clearly tells you why each of the12 brands are some of the best to feed your dog. It also discusses in depth home cooked dog food, the BARF diet plus much more.

Would you like to know which brands of dog food and which human foods are the safest to feed your dog?

Don’t you owe it to your pet to find out?

Can't we just trust what the dog food companies tell us in their glossy multi-million dollar advertising campaigns?

Unfortunately, often we can't!

I know you are a lot like me and want to be sure you are feeding your dog the absolute best diet… and best foods, within your budget.

All dog food is not equal in their nutritional values and there are many that are downright detrimental to your pet's health.

I have put together all the research that I and my team have carried out over the last 11 and a half months on dog food and health, into one big collection.

Reserve Your Copy Today

Some of the information revealed will shock you! The books and audios cover everything that you need to know about providing the best and most nutritionally healthy diet for your dog. You will quickly start to become a dog nutrition expert… learning how to make nutritional adjustments to help most of your dog's problems or maladies.

Continued - Click for more information, plus BONUSES....

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Free Pumpkin-Dog Stencils

Here's a great resource that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it lots of fun! –Kim

Free Pumpkin-Carving Stencils of Favorite Dog Breeds
Better Homes & Gardens

Let your friends and neighbors know which dog breed is best by carving a pumpkin that looks like your favorite canine. Click and scroll through 26 different FREE stencils (click the right and left arrows to scroll through them all).

Vote for Your Favorite Dog Breed Stencils

Let everyone know which dog breed is best by voting for your favorite pumpkin canine.

© Copyright 2011, Meredith Corporation.

Also, see:

Cost of Pet Ownership Adds Up

Here's an informative article that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it interesting! –Kim

Long-term Costs Add Up for Dog Ownership

By Jan Larsen for Sun-Times Media
Jun 13, 2011

The price of dog ownership varies widely according to breed, size, age and luck. Some veterinarians have estimated owners could spend $20,000 over the life of a dog.

The 2006 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association said the average annual cost of owning a dog is $2,084. (Cat owners pay about $1,318 per year.) Expenses (in dollars) include veterinary care, boarding, grooming, food, treats, toys, training, collars and leashes.


Low cost

High cost







Vet bills












Flea control












Grooming tools



Dental care



Stain cleaner









*Total over the life of a 50-pound, 12-year-old dog in the Midwest

(Editor's Note: I'm pretty sure that prices have gone even higher since the 2006 results above were released. It's something to consider when making decisions about a dog.)

Source: http://couriernews.suntimes.com/news/5894795-417/long-term-costs-add-up-for-dog-ownership.html
Copyright © 2011 — Sun-Times Media, LLC

Also, see: Spending on Pets Rises During Recession