Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

Basic Breed Information - 10

Here's a great series that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it interesting! –Kim

Basic Breed Information – Part 10


The Rottweiler is a very special dog breed that has many incredible characteristics and personality traits. However, these very same wonderful characteristics are what can get you into some decent trouble down the road if you don't undergo proper Rottweiler training. Before you start training your Rottweiler, you have to understand their specific traits and personality, so you can properly stimulate them.

  • The Rottweiler is a very loyal dog that needs to always be close to their family. Like most German breeds, they seem to become closer to one particular member within the family more than others. The individual who becomes closest to their Rottweiler (the "master") should be the one that is engaged in training most heavily.
  • Because the Rottweiler is so loyal and family-oriented, it is always very eager to please its owners. This makes Rottweiler training far easier than many other breeds, and the owner can take advantage of this trait and increase the success rate of the training. The Rottweiler is a breed that can be very aggressive and dominate if it does not undergo proper training. Rottweilers, by nature, are dominant dogs and need to be put in place (never by force) by a dominant and assertive owner. This breed is not recommended for timid individuals.
  • The Rottweiler is very protective of its family and home, and it's because of this trait that, if not trained properly, it can become far too protective, aggressive and wary of any people other than family in its home or even on walks. It is very important that this breed be properly socialized at a young age and it be taken out into public settings often. It should also be mentioned that if you don't usually have guests in your home and socialize your Rottweiler among them, they may be okay outside the home, but not within it.

Like any other breed, the Rottweiler needs to undergo specific training to ensure that it grows up to be a great family pet and well-mannered dog. Too often throughout my career as a trainer and breeder have I seen people try to train their Rottweilers like their Labradors, and of course, pay the price in the long run. Make sure that you are armed with the proper knowledge and resources to make sure that this doesn't happen to you during your Rottweiler training.

For more in-depth Rottweiler training info, check out: Sit-Stay-Fetch or Secrets to Dog Training.

It's hard enough trying to find the needed information for Rottweiler training; it's even harder finding information that is specific for this breed. Don't waste your time and energy looking in the wrong places...your Rottweiler is just sitting there wagging its tail and waiting! Visit Rottweiler Training Tips.

Shiba Inu

In general, the Shiba Inu is considered to be a sturdy and healthy dog. As a result, shibas can easily survive in the outdoors, but also enjoy the indoors, as you can imagine. They do not require special diets, and in most cases you can get away with serving them any good commercial dog food. They enjoy activities, such as playing catch, and you can even take a Shiba on a daily run since these animals can seemingly run forever non-stop. In saying this, the Shiba Inu is a relatively easy dog to manage and raise.

However, like any animal or person, the Shiba Inu breed is not without hereditary defects. For example, they are known to suffer from patellar luxation, which essentially means they have loose knee caps. The condition is not considered severe, but surgery can be done to correct this and let your Shiba Inu lead a complete productive life. Another condition from which they can suffer is hip dysplasia; although it is not as seriously as in larger dogs, it still seems to be a common issue among the Shiba Inu breed.

In addition to hereditary issues, as with any animal, you can sometimes find your healthy Shiba Inu "under the weather," so to speak. There are numerous illnesses that can effect your Shiba, but there are certain health problems for which you should always be on the lookout. For example, if you find your Shiba running around in circles consistently, this may be a sign that he is under high stress levels. It may also be a sign that your Shiba needs to relieve himself. You may find that the circling is increased if your dog is confined to small places or a crate, but if the behavior persists, you should consult your veterinarian to see if the circling could be indicative of a health problem.

Another common concern for any dog, but especially the Shiba Inu, is allergies. More specifically, allergic reaction to fleas. However, with all the flea products on the market today, your dog should have no issue with this. But if you do see your Shiba itching from the shoulder back, there is a good chance they are having a flea problem and you'll probably need to get some flea medication to relieve their itching.

Lastly, Shiba Inus sometimes develop a health condition known as a heart murmur. This sounds very serious and can be, if it goes untreated. However, with the appropriate treatment, this issue can easily go away in most cases. Health factors of your Shiba Inu is nothing to take lightly. Often, the family pet is considered just that, part of the family, and when it comes to family, you always need to take care of the ones you love.

For more in-depth Shiba training info, check out: Shiba Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.

Tom Worthington is a caring and loving Shiba Inu dog owner. He also owns and maintains Shiba Inu Secrets.

Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky, as the name suggests, was first found in northeastern Siberia. They were originally used as sled dogs. These medium sized, very strong dogs are not very difficult to take care of and are practically maintenance-free dogs. When they get dirty, they clean themselves. There is hardly any grooming required. You just need to brush their coat occasionally and take care of their nails, clipping them periodically.

The Siberian Husky is a very friendly breed. Even though the Siberian Husky has a lot of positive qualities, training this dog can be quite a challenge. Siberian Husky obedience training should start at a very early stage. Training them as an adult is a difficult task. The dog should understand in the very beginning who is in charge. During the process of Siberian Husky obedience training, intimidating or frightening the dog is not a solution to get the dog to obey. The best time to start Siberian Husky obedience training is soon after the pup reaches your house. Find a good training school and enroll your pup. If you are dissatisfied with the trainer or if you feel that he or she is very rude to your dog, it is best to find another trainer.

Siberian Husky obedience training is not an easy task in any sense. Since this breed is very intelligent, it has a brain that is thinking all the time. There have been instances where the dog is very well-behaved at the training school, but just the opposite at home. This is because they assess the situation and behave accordingly. During this time, it is very important that you exercise control and not be lenient. If you fail to lead, the dog will assume that any situation can be altered and it will take advantage of your leniency.

Since these dogs are basically hard-working, it is necessary to keep them occupied and give them enough exercise. They also have a slight predator instinct that they are likely to show toward other small animals. This should be controlled in the very beginning of the Siberian Husky obedience training.

Having an obedient dog is important, so that it becomes easier to handle the dog and he will be well-behaved in the company of other people and animals. If you find it difficult to find a class for your Siberian Husky, it is always possible to learn the basics from a good book and teach your dog yourself.

Siberian Husky obedience training is not only necessary to present your dog at a dog show, but basic training is essential for any dog even for the day-to-day functioning at home. Even though training this dog is a difficult task, a little patience can go a long way in making it extremely obedient. A little effort on your end would make you a very proud dog owner.

This article was brought to you by Sean Green at Online Dog Training (©2008 Dog Obedience Training).

For more in-depth Husky training info, check out: Siberian Husky Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier, also known as the Yorkie, is one of the most adorable members of the toy dog category. They are a mixture of England's finest terriers, the Clydesdale terrier, English terrier, English black and tan terrier, Waterside terrier and the Paisley terrier. This breed of dog derived its name from their place of origin which is the Yorkshire, England.

Yorkies first made their way to America during the late 1800s, but it was only during the early 1900s that the Yorkshire Terrier made its exclusive name, because there were so many different sizes. It was during this time that most dog enthusiasts preferred the smaller-sized Yorkshire Terrier.

Though it falls under the category of a toy dog, this breed is a bold, confident and courageous animal. Their behavior towards others vary. Just like other small-sized dogs, they are always outgoing and eager for fun and adventure, but they are sometimes a bit aggressive and aloof towards other small animals and strange canines. That old rough-edged terrier spirit still lingers on.

Dogs need plenty of exercise regardless of the breed. For Yorkshire Terriers, exercise is not a concern, because they stay physically fit by running around the house or small apartment. But this does not mean that they should stay indoors all the time. Actually, they will also enjoy and appreciate going out for a brisk walk with their owner from time to time. Just ensure the dog's safety by walking him on a leash to avoid problems with other small animals.

Although they may enjoy going outside to take a walk, they are not meant to live outdoors. Like any other toy breeds, Yorkshire Terriers prefer the companionship and warmth of its family and human contact. If Yorkies really need to be left outside, this should only be done for a short period of time. And be sure to provide a comfortable and adequate shelter and bedding for them to utilize.

Yorkshire Terriers grow very long hair, but they do not shed as much as other short-haired breeds do. Grooming needs depend on the style of the hair. Three to four times a week, a thorough brushing is needed, while frequent grooming is needed for those with untrimmed long hair so that it does not tangle and mat.

The life span of a Yorkshire Terrier is up to 16 years, provided it is living a healthy lifestyle in a positive environment with its health-minded and caring owner. Though there is no major health concern that can affect Yorkie, they are still susceptible to other minor health issues such as patellar luxation. It is always best to seek out your veterinarian's help and have your Yorkie specifically tested for eye problems or knee dysplasia and have a liver ultrasound.

For more in-depth Yorkshire training info, check out: Yorkshire Terrier Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.

Richard Cussons is an avid dog lover. Find out more about Yorkshire Terrier dogs.

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