Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

Basic Breed Information - 9

Here's a great series that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it interesting! –Kim

Basic Breed Information – Part 9


The Newfoundland (Newfie) is a breed of dog which some people believe is similar to the Labrador or St. Bernard in many ways. This dog used to be a permanent fixture on every single fishing boat in the small province of Newfoundland in Canada. That is how the breed got its name. The dog would help in putting the nets out into the sea, and even retrieving them. They were even involved in rescuing people who fell overboard, because they are natural swimmers.

Since they are very big in size, Newfoundlands were used as working dogs in the old days. An adult male Newfoundland would weigh about 150 pounds. You should be absolutely certain about owning this breed before you go ahead and acquire one. They are very lovable dogs, but it is important to groom them regularly, provide quality food and give them exercise regularly. It is imperative that you have sufficient time to spend with your pet; only then is it advisable to acquire this breed.

As soon as your little pup comes into the house, it is the time to get proper Newfoundland obedience training. Every dog needs to be trained well, but the Newfoundland obedience training is probably far more important than for any other dog because of its size. It would be absolutely impossible to control your adult dog if he starts running after something. The dog in all probability is going to drag you along with it. It is not just about people's appreciation, but it is also in the interest of the dog and everybody else around, that your dog is a well-trained one.

The Newfoundland obedience training would involve letting the dog walk without a leash. It should come to you when called and stay when asked to do so. The earlier the Newfoundland obedience training starts the better, as this will prevent the dog from inculcating any bad habit. When he develops a bad habit, it will be more difficult to set it right. When you train your dog, you should ensure that you praise the dog now and again, as this will boost the confidence of the dog and he would be motivated to do even better.

Newfoundland obedience training is of utmost importance if you wish to take your dog into the water or use it for carting. Patience is the most significant thing to Newfoundland obedience training. The dog is bound to make mistakes and cause accidents; try to ignore this as much as possible in the beginning. Over a period of time he is bound to learn.

Look for Newfoundland obedience training centers in your locality. It would be best to get your dog trained by a professional. Enquire with your friends and acquaintances who have dogs about the training centers. Attend a few classes of the trainer yourself to ensure that your dog is in safe hands. If you are not comfortable with the trainer's approach, look for another place. After you have found the right trainer, be rest assured, and soon you will be the proud owner of a very well-trained Newfoundland.

This article was brought to you by Sean Green at Online Dog Training (©2008 Dog Obedience Training).

For more in-depth Newfoundland training info, check out: Newfoundland Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.


The most troublesome and boring aspect of owning a pet Pitbull, according to most owners, is training. Though boring, early obedience training for a Pitbull is very essential; otherwise, he may become disobedient and even aggressive. A poorly bred Pitbull is often a danger to the people around him.

Also, it is necessary to housebreak a Pitbull when he is still a puppy. The first thing in which a Pitbull needs to be trained is housebreaking. Pitbull puppies have weak bladders, and they may need to eliminate almost every hour.

Have specific meal times for the puppy, and then take it out. Over time, puppies will begin to recognize this place by its smell. It's no fun to be woken in the middle of a night by a puppy whining to "go potty," but it takes endurance in the first few months. As Pitbulls grow older, their bladder control improves, but it will be a while before they can hold their bladders overnight. Another method is paper-training, where newspapers can be spread at spots within the house. However, paper-training is not good, as it gives the Pitbull the idea that it is OK to poop inside the house.

Pitbulls are athletic dogs, and so they need stamina and strength training. The most common way to teach almost all dogs is by drive and tracking. A ball and string can be used for this. Show the ball to the dog until its curiosity is aroused, and then roll the ball on the floor, away from him. The Pitbull will begin chasing after it. Using this tactic, several tricks can be taught to your dog.

Pitbulls are intelligent dogs. They respond to commands. Pitbulls can be trained to understand commands such as "go," "fetch" and "heel," and they also respond to their names. Repeating the commands over and over helps the dog to learn faster. Such obedience training must not be taken lightly, as it may sometimes be a lifesaver to the dog.

Training a dog requires patience and affection on the part of the trainer. Pitbulls are sensitive, and they should never be hit or yelled at when training. This may have an adverse effect, and they may not respond to training at all. They may also fight back and nip or bite people. A slight reprimand, with a strong "No" is enough to make a Pitbull stop any undesirable activity. It is important to be consistent in Pitbull training. If you train a Pitbull for a couple of days and then decide to take a break, then the whole thing is going to be a worthless affair.

However, there are many ways in which Pitbull training can be made exciting to both dog and owner. The training also provides some exercise to the owner and goes a long way in making the dog a trustworthy and able companion.

For more in-depth Pitbull training info, check out: Pitbull Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.

For more information about Pitbulls, visit Dog Breed Info Center.


Training your Pomeranian puppy doesn't have to be a difficult task. Based on advice from expert Pomeranian breeder Jerrie Freia, these three simple tips will jumpstart your dog's training. By following this sage advice, your Pomeranian will quickly be trained like the best.

Our first tip is simply consistency – consistency in every aspect of your Pomeranian's training. This holds particularly true when it comes to housebreaking your dog. Be consistent in the route and door you use to take your puppy outdoors.

Consistently use the same positive words and body language when encouraging your Pomeranian to potty outdoors. Be consistent in setting the kitchen clock and bringing your puppy outside again twenty minutes after it first relieves itself. Being consistent in all these aspects of your Pomeranian's training is the key to fast and effective results. You will find that this important first tip will quickly pay back in dividends.

Second, always ensure that you use both positive words and positive body language when training your dog. The Pomeranian breed is highly perceptive of the words and mannerisms of its handlers. When training your Pomeranian, try to use the same words consistently. The initial choice of words is not nearly as important as consistently using the same word: "Go," "Potty," "Go potty." It doesn't matter which one you use, provided that you always use the same word or phrase.

Concerning body language, it is important to remember that your puppy will quickly pick up on both positive and negative visual cues from you. Thus, it is very important to watch your mannerisms throughout the training process. Always keep an inviting demeanor. Instead of placing your hands on your hips, consider bending your head and kneeling over to encourage your dog. By doing so, you will quickly discover that your puppy will become more receptive to your training methods. Such positive body language and words also work wonders when training second-home and rescue Pomeranians.

Our third tip for effective Pomeranian training is to ensure you have the proper amount of time to train your new puppy. If you don't have time for a puppy this month, simply don't get it. Don't. Put it off until you can promise that dog you have the time to commit to its development. The first two weeks are the most important.

Puppies under a year old cannot possibly be expected to hold it for twelve hours or longer. Hire a dog-walker if you must. But, even more importantly, simply ensure you have the time to commit before getting a puppy. The amount of time you spend training your Pomeranian is one of the most significant factors of any training program.

To sum it up, training your Pomeranian doesn't have to be a difficult task. Always be consistent in your training methods. Use positive language, both verbally and physically. Ensure you have the time to commit prior to getting your puppy. Using these three tips, you'll quickly be on your way to accomplishing effective Pomeranian training.

For more in-depth Pomeranian training info, check out: Pomeranian Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.

Tracy Barbadanikios and Kirsten Klum has studied the Pomeranian dog breed for many years. And now she is thrilled to tell you about the ultimate source of Pomeranian Training information.

Rat Terrier

The Rat Terrier is an energetic spunky dog that makes it a great watchdog and family companion. Another characteristic is that Rat Terriers get along well with other pets, too. The Rat Terrier was named by President Teddy Roosevelt. They were developed in Great Britain from a cross between Smooth Fox Terriers and the Manchester Terriers of the 1800s. They were brought to America around 1900, and they quickly spread in popularity. In America, breeders crossed this breed again with the Smooth Fox Terrier and the Beagle to retain hunting instincts. It was also crossed with Whippets for their speed, agility and the blue and brindle color coats.

Rat Terriers are available in many colors. The most common colors are red and white, tri-spotted, solid red, and black and tan. They have a very short hair coat that is easy to groom, and this breed does not tend to shed a lot. Brushing does not need to be done on a regular basis; a couple of times a month should do. Baths are also not required too frequently; a couple of times a year should suffice.

The Rat Terrier is a small dog standing between 14 and 24 inches and weighing 12 to 35 pounds. Although small, this dog does display the toughness of most other Terrier breeds. Untrained, they can be destructive and aggressive, but with proper socializing as a young dog, you can easily have a great companion.

Rat Terriers can be a good choice if you live in a small house or apartment. But be sure to give them enough stimulation; otherwise, they can develop destructive habits if not given the proper outlet for their aggression. Rat Terriers make great companions and are an excellent choice, if you are looking for a dog. With their energy levels and spunkiness, they are a welcome addition to any family.

For more in-depth Rat Terrier training info, check out: Rat Terrier Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.

Click here for more information on Rat Terrier Dogs!

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