Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Basic Breed Information - 7

Here's a great series that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it interesting! –Kim

Basic Breed Information – Part 7

Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher has been one of my favorite breed of dogs since I was a little boy growing up in a family of dog trainers and breeders. This breed is one of the brightest, most loyal, compassionate and family-oriented dogs on the planet, despite the negative media attention that seems to have recently followed them. So when it comes to Doberman training, what exactly needs to be emphasized, and why? Well, before specific training methods can be answered, the personality and traits of the Doberman Pinscher need to be examined, so as to understand what makes the dog "click."

  • The Doberman has many very well-noted and recognized traits about its character, but few are as notable as their amazing bravery and loyalty. These are dogs that were breed for this purpose, and have been used as companions for soldiers all around the world for over a century. This makes the Doberman fearless and able to withstand some training methods that other breeds could simply not endure. Keep this in mind when you undergo Doberman training.
  • The Doberman is a breed that is EXTREMELY active and thrives on exercise and physical and mental stimulation. This is a trait that is highly important to remember. You can not train this dog in a boring or mundane way. This rules out trying to properly train a Doberman in your living room.
  • The Doberman is a VERY assertive and confident breed of dog; this does NOT mean aggressive though. Because of this natural trait, the owner must also be a confident and assertive individual who can properly put their Doberman into place if they get out of hand, but NEVER hit your dog! It is important that the owner and breed match (this is true for all breeds) or problems during training and home life may pose to be an issue.
  • Again it must be noted that when approaching Doberman training, it is wise to stimulate this breed with a lot of out door activities such as running, fetching, romping around and playing outside in general. This is a very active breed that simply needs these things.

These are only a few things that need to be known about the Doberman before you start training this breed. It is very highly recommend, not just from my training and breeding experience, but by many other trainers, that you seek out and acquire all the needed information to undergo Doberman training properly.

It is also very important to mention that this breed, just like many others needs to be trained in a way that is specific to its personality and traits. You simply can not just train a Doberman like you would a Cocker Spaniel, and expect good results to come of it, so make sure that you're armed with the right information on the right training methods for this breed before you start training...it will pay off very well.

For more in-depth Doberman training info, check out: Doberman Pinscher Training or Secrets to Dog Training.

It's hard enough trying to find the needed information for Doberman training; it's even harder finding information that is specific for this breed. Don't waste your time and energy looking in the wrong places...your Doberman is just sitting there wagging its tail and waiting! Visit http://www.squidoo.com/dobermanpincher.

German Shepherd

As soon as you've brought your German shepherd home, it's time to start training. Though Shepherds have a reputation for instability, the fact is, with the help of an experienced obedience instructor, your dog can be extremely well-trained. The first thing you need to understand is that dogs need to be trained from birth; they cannot be trained well when they have already become adults.

Trainers will tell you to always provide your Shepherd with plenty of regular exercise as well as mental stimulation to tame their rambunctious natures. Otherwise, you may find your bored doggie will turn to destructive chewing. If this occurs, simply sprinkle chair legs and other attractive targets with black or cayenne pepper to discourage chewing. Provide plenty of fresh water everyday, but especially after long walks. And introduce your dog to lots of friendly people so he can learn to recognize normal behavior of good guys; a dog that's isolated may become suspicious of everyone, which can lead to biting.

German shepherds shed constantly, so be prepared to do a lot of vacuuming. There are some tips to reduce the work load: Mix one part brewers yeast and garlic with two parts doggie stew, or try Mrs. Allen's Shed Stop that should also be mixed with the dog's food. Daily brushing helps, but frequent bathing isn't necessary. And do remember to trim Fido's nails at least once every two weeks. A little care and lots of love help your German Shepherd grow into a loyal and welcome member of the family for years to come!

For more in-depth German Shepherd training info, check out: German Shepherd Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.

For more information about German Shepherds, visit http://www.dog-obedience-training-review.com/german-shepherd-training.html.

Golden Retriever

There is a saying that God made man because he was lonely, and then He made dogs so that man won't be lonely. It's a friendship made in heaven; dogs live with us and make the living fine. But a little puppy is like a baby; it needs to be well taught and trained so that both the owner and the pet live in harmony.

Golden Retrievers are obedient and easy-to-train dogs. The puppy has to be taught good manners; it has to get used to a daily routine. You will have to make it known to your puppy where it can and cannot go, whether or not it is allowed to sleep on the sofa or chew your slipper. Do not puzzle the puppy by permitting something one day and forbidding it the next. You can give your puppy a little treat as an incentive and gently reprimand it as a penalty, but never hit your puppy – it will break its spirit.

Toilet training can be started right away. All your energies need to be devoted to it in the first week. You must take the puppy outside as soon as it has had meals or awakens from sleep; puppies usually get a little restless when they have to go. If you like, you can use a word association. Puppies can associate words with going to the toilet, and this way, you can make them go any time you think suitable.

Though the Golden Retriever has a friendly temperament, a new puppy has to be trained to socialize with people. As soon as it is 8-9 weeks old, you should take it out in your arms or in your car. He will love socializing and you'll have a friendly little dog that will be the talk of the town. Twelve weeks is the ideal time when you should start taking your puppy out on walks.

It will take a few weeks before your dog learns to be on the leash. But as soon as he does, walks would be something to which both you and your dog will look forward. You'll walk to the park with wind in your face, flower falling on the path and your Golden Retriever walking by your side, and 'It will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.'

For more in-depth Golden Retriever training info, check out: Golden Retriever Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.

For more information about Golden Retrievers, visit All About Golden Retrievers!

Labrador Retriever

The best method of how to train Labrador Retriever puppies is to apply positive reinforcement, that's combined with unrestricted praise and treats. In order to establish an immediate bond, play with your pup on a frequent basis, and if possible, get down on the floor with her – this bond will later be strengthen through training. Labrador Retriever puppy training can start almost as soon as she arrives home. In a similar way to a small child, she will learn best through activities and games.

At approximately eight weeks of age your Labrador Retriever pup can start to learn about retrieving objects. This is the "fetch" activity that she will enjoy all of her life. Learning how to train Labrador Retriever pups is not difficult. To teach this fun exercise, it's often ideal to have her on a ten foot lead or so. Don't be tempted to use a stick for this activity (this could cause an injury), but take a toy that she recognizes or a soft-ball. Make certain that it's too big to be swallowed.

Gently wave the toy near her head to draw attention to it, and then throw it approximately five feet in front. There's no need to throw it too far, as she's just starting out. If she arrives at the end of the leach all of a sudden, she could be hurt. Use her name, so the command is "Boots, fetch!"

Follow as she runs to the ball, and if she picks it up, offer some encouragement – but not too much praise, yet, as she isn't finished. If your Labrador Retriever pup does not take it in her mouth, wave it in front of her until she does. Then, walk slowing back to the starting point, and encourage her to follow. If she does drop the soft toy, be certain to get her pick it back up. When she arrives back, remove the ball out of her mouth and at the same moment say the command "Out," or a similar command. Now, you may offer her lots of praise.

In a very short time, with some practice, you'll know how to a train Labrador Retriever to enjoy this fun activity. She will soon come to realize what you want and how to receive the most praise. As she becomes accustomed to retrieving without your needing to move in the direction of the soft-toy, begin to throw the toy in various directions.

Labrador Retriever puppy training can also include swimming, but when starting out, it's important to strengthen the swimming muscles. Don't force or throw your puppy into a pond or lake. At approximately three months of age, a puppy may be encouraged to enter the water and will soon realize what's necessary. Wading in with her can assist in getting started, in addition to seeing other dogs having fun in the lake. As anyone who owns a Lab can attest, learning how to train Labrador Retriever puppies efficiently can have an enormously beneficial effect on her future well-being.

For more in-depth Labrador training info, check out: Labrador Retriever Training or Secrets to Dog Training.

Learn how to train Labrador Retriever and put a STOP to your dog's behavior problems!

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