Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Basic Breed Information - 8

Here's a great series that I thought I would pass on...hope you find it interesting! –Kim

Basic Breed Information – Part 8


The Maltese dog is one of the smaller breeds of dogs. This cute looking dog makes for a great pet. It has a naturally long fur coat (although, many owners trim them shorter), and is usually white in color. This breed is also highly intelligent and adorable. Like the Chihuahua, the Maltese dog is generally seen amongst the rich and the powerful. The Maltese dog is small and sturdy, and usually weighs between 6 and 7 pounds. The small size of this breed makes it vulnerable to attacks and injuries. The dog is believed to be in existence for centuries, and evidence suggests that this breed was first seen in China. The Maltese dog is believed to be the favored pet of the Ming dynasty.

This particular breed of dog is very convenient to keep as a pet for people who live in flats and small apartments. This dog is also a very good at socializing. However, the small size makes it very vulnerable to injuries, particularly from children. Due to its diminutive size, children tend to play with it and sometimes even fall on it, which can lead to major injuries. Therefore, the owner must be very careful while keeping the Maltese as a pet.

The Maltese is a small dog, which makes it ideal as an escort dog. The long fluffy single coat of hair makes the dog adorable. The hair does not fall (i.e., no shedding), and this aspect endears the breed to a wide range of owners. People with allergies can keep this dog safely as a pet. The dog is quite intelligent and picks up basic commands very easily. The long white fur needs regular care and cleaning. Use shampoo to keep the fur clean and healthy. A shampoo specially designed for use on white hair is ideal.

The Maltese dog likes to play a lot. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the dog outdoors for some time every day. The dog also enjoys the sun a lot, so keep all this in mind before choosing your pet. The Maltese dog should not be left alone in the outdoors, as larger dogs could maul it.

Like with all pets, the Maltese dog also loves a lot of attention and company. This small dog is a great hit among people and particularly at dog shows and exhibitions. When you bring it home, you can be sure it is a wonderful pet and a source of constant joy and entertainment.

For more in-depth Maltese training info, check out: Maltese Training Secrets or Secrets to Dog Training.

Venkata Ramana is a maltese dog lover since childhood. Visit his Boxer Dog Web site and discover how you can make your boxer dog the happiest, healthiest loving dog alive.


Mastiff dogs are wonderful creatures and are very great to have as company. But sometimes, you want your Mastiff to be active, and training him is something that can help. Below, I will show you how to treat a dog – when you should be giving it rewards and when you should discourage your Mastiff.

Training your Mastiff can be frustrating at times; just remember to stay calm, and take a break, if needed. Always provide positive energy for your Mastiff; never hit, punch, kick or scream at your Mastiff. This would give you the opposite effect and possible a broken toe!

Classical Conditioning: Some time ago, in biology class, I learned about classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is where you give a good response to a dog when he does something good, or a bad response when he does something bad. For example a scientists once rang a bell for his dog, and with that bell he held a piece of meat. The dog would come and its mouth would begin to drool. He did this over several months. Eventually, he could ring the bell and the dog would come with its mouth drooling. However, there was no meat anymore. The scientist proved that if you do something enough, the dog will become used to it, and will continue to do the same thing he has done over and over.

You can use classical conditioning with your Mastiff. Every time they do something good, hand them a treat. Do this over and over in till he does good things without you having to treat him every time. This will cause your Mastiff to being easily trained, and you will being satisfied with the results.

For more in-depth Mastiff training info, check out: Mastiff Master Training Guide or Secrets to Dog Training.

If you're tired of your Mastiff not listening to your commands, learn Mastiff Training Tips.

Miniature Pinscher

Many people who are shopping for a small dog do not want a purse dog, or a dog that is carried around and pampered. Perhaps, you are seeking a small dog because you have a small home; yet, you want a dog with some spunk. If you are looking for a little dog with a big attitude, then a Miniature Pinscher (or Mini Pin) might be the right kind of dog for you. As with any breed, however, you should know something about these dogs before you acquire one.

No matter how cute they are, Mini Pins are not for everyone! First, many people mistakenly assume that the Miniature Pinscher is a small version of a Doberman Pinscher. While these dogs do resemble tiny Dobermans, they are not the same breed.

These dogs are called Pinschers simply because of the way they hunt. In German, "pinscher" means biter, and these little dogs will jump on and bite their prey when hunting. Of course, if the dogs are not well trained, you might just become their prey. Which brings up another interesting point about the breed. Mini Pins require disciplined training, if they are going to become good pets. These dogs have an inherently large supply of energy and can be ferocious when provoked.

Miniature Pinschers are best trained through firm, persistent and calm training methods. The most important things to teach your new dog are (a) how to come when called, (b) how to walk on a leash, and (c) how to stand still on a table, as they will need to do this at the vet's office. Part of what makes it so essential to train these dogs is the breed's temperament. The breed standard describes the temperament as having a fearless animation, complete self-possession and spirited presence. This sounds quite engaging, but to those who do not know the dog's temperament, this definition can lead to disaster.

Many people purchase small dogs because they want a lap dog. But, the Mini Pin is no lap dog. In fact, if you pamper these pooches, they will become domineering tyrants in your home. These dogs are amazing escape artists! They can get out of just about any confined space, so it is essential that the owner has a room in the home where the dog can be confined when not under supervision. This room should be free of small objects on which the dog could choke. They should not be allowed outside without supervision, as they can easily escape from just about any fenced yard. Mini Pins may seem like a good dog for children because of their small size, but they cannot withstand the roughness that small children tend to dish out. The breed is particularly hardy, but these dogs have tiny bones that can fracture if they are handled too roughly.

They usually get along fine with older children, however. Beyond that, though, the dogs have few inherited psychical problems. The Mini Pin's coat requires little care, and the dog should not be bathed too often as this can dry the skin. Yes, Mini Pins can be a handful to care for and train, but most owners will say that the joy they receive from their tiny dogs far outweighs any inconvenience that comes from the high energy levels. These dogs are natural comedians. If you want a companion that will constantly entertain you with his interactions with the world around him, give serious consideration to owning a Mini Pin. These dogs are incredibly curious and need plenty of activity in their lives.

If you do not keep them active, they will find a way to stay active, often to the degradation of your favorite plant, socks or piece of furniture. However, if you live an active life and have time for a fun-loving little dog, then a Miniature Pinscher is a good option for you!

For more in-depth Mini Pin training info, check out: Miniature Pinscher Training or Secrets to Dog Training.

Sig Kabai is a proud Miniature Pinscher owner, he researches the internet for various information related to Mini Pins and helps people find great resources for these little dynamite dogs. Visit his Web site at http://miniature-pinscher-dog.blogspot.com to find out more.


Dog owners are sometimes faced with a behavior problem and don't know how to deal with it. In my book, The Amazing Dog Training Man, I came up with an acronym that anyone can use as a tool to understand and deal with any behavior problem. Here is how you can use The M.U.T.T. Method to deal with any behavior problem.

M – Manage. The first step in dealing with any behavior problem is to properly manage the behavior. Management of behavior will not fix the problem; it will just help contain the problem. For instance, house training will not be fixed by using a crate, but it will definitely help manage the behavior. A muzzle can help manage a dog that is being aggressive towards other dogs. So, the first step is to think about managing the behavior.

U – Underlying. Every behavior problem has an underlying reason. You need to figure out what the underlying reason is. Say your dog has a digging problem. Why is the dog digging? Is it frustration, boredom, breed specific, etc. Let's say you are having a house training problem. Is your dog stressed for some reason, is there a health problem, and so on. Once you figure out the underlying problem, you can move on to the next part of the M.U.T.T. Method....

T – Train. Now that we have the behavior managed and we have figured out the underlying problem, we can start to train the dog. Let's go back to the digging for a moment. If the dog is digging because of frustration, we can remove the frustration and give the dog some other activities. If the dog is digging because it's breed specific (terriers live to dig), then we can teach the dog to dig in a designated area, and so on.

T – Time. Once we have started to train a new behavior, we need to be patient and give it some time. The behavior experts say that it takes at least 21 days to learn a new behavior. So, as you're going through the process, be patient and stick to the plan. Behavior problems can be difficult at times. When you understand why the behavior is happening and what you can do about it, the problem is much easier to handle.

For more in-depth Mutt training info, check out: Sit-Stay-Fetch or Secrets to Dog Training.

Eric Letendre, the author of The Amazing Dog Training Man, invites you to visit http://www.amazingdogtrainingman.com for leading edge dog training tips, instructional video clips and articles that will help you train and understand your dog. You can also get free dog training updates with his free Smart Dog Newsletter subscription.

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